Kylie’s Birthday Party

Today was Kylie’s third birthday party, and overall it was a very nice day. I have to admit that I was very worried in the morning as it had been raining all morning and we had no backup plan, as the party was an out door party. At one point we had even planned on canceling the picnic and just ordering pizza. The party was supposed to start at 12:30 and go until 2:30 and as of 11am it had just finished raining but was still really cloudy. We tried to see if we could have the party inside the club house, but because it was during business hours, and the office is in the club house, we couldn’t. So we had to continue on with our original plan and hope that for a few hours we had some good weather and didn’t get rained on again.

As the time drew closer for the start of the party the sun did come out and it actually became very warm and humid. Daddy had to keep running back to the apartment to get things that he had forgotten the first time and we had some problems getting the grill to light. So Daddy had to run to the store to get some igniter fluid, but eventually Papa was able to get the grill going and make some hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone.

A couple of Kylie’s friends from school were able to come out for the party along with our family and the party was very nice. Kylie got some nice gifts and had fun running around with her friends. We took some pictures of the party and Kylie opening her gifts, and once I have them ready they will be added to the gallery.

After the party Uncle Chris, Aunt Tracey, Delaney and Madelyn came over for a little while to visit and play with Kylie. I am glad the weather held out and it turned out to be a nice day, because all morning I had been stressing out very badly over the weather and what we were going to do. I guess things have a way of working themselves out.

“Oh Wow!”

Tonight was the Wyandotte fireworks and Mommy was debating on weather she wanted to take Kylie to see them or not. After all it was well past Kylie’s bedtime, and the last time Kylie went to fireworks she was just a little baby, only a few weeks old and she slept through them. In addition Mommy really wanted to make sure that Kylie got plenty of sleep so she would be rested for her birthday party and wouldn’t be cranky due to lack of sleep. In the end though, Mimi and Uncle Chris were able to convince Mommy that it would be fine, and so Mommy decided they would go to the fireworks. They didn’t have to go to far because the fireworks were down on the river, so they just walked down to Biddle and sat watching. Before they started Mommy explained to Kylie that they were going to be loud so that they didn’t startle her when they first went off. As it turns out Mommy didn’t have anything to worry about, each time one went off and lit up the night sky Kylie would get all excited and say “Oh, wow!” Then she would hear another one shoot up in the air and she would say “Here comes another one – WOW!” Mommy has always loved fireworks, but seeing Kylie’s expression to them for the first time, seeing her get so excited and jump up and down and hear her shout out “Wow”, that was very special. Mommy told me that she thinks these fireworks were the best ones she has ever been to, and that she will remember them forever.

Party Preparations

Today was a pretty hectic day as we had a lot of running around to do in preparation for Kylie’s third Birthday party tomorrow. This birthday party is a special one, well at least for me. This will be Kylie’s first birthday that her friends from school have been invited to attend. Tiffany and I have been receiving phone calls from parents of children in Kylie’s class RSVPing for the party, and I have to admit that ever time I get one, I get a little excited. I am happy that some of her friends will be attending her party and I know every time we tell Kylie another one of her friends will be attending, she gets all happy and excited, it is very cute. Back to the hectic part. Today we had to make Kylie’s birthday cake, but first we had to go get the frosting and the toppings for it. In addition we had to go shopping and get the food for the party, as this one will be held at the club house of my apartment complex, as a picnic. So we will be making hamburgers and hot dogs, along with chips and Kool Aid and baked beans. I am really looking forward to tomorrow, I hope everything goes well and everyone has a good time. Now to finish getting the final things together for the morning.

Ahead of the curve

As I have mentioned before, Tiffany occasionally gets email from BabyCenter that are geared toward the specific age that Kylie is at that time. Well today she got another, and forwarded it on to me. Not because the information in this particular one was of importance for things we should be looking for, but rather because of how far behind it is, at least for Kylie. The article stated that

Three-year-olds are beginning to learn colors. They can usually point to a color when asked and may be able to name four or more by midyear.

By mid-year? Really? Is that the normal progression for children? Kylie has been naming off colors for at least the past six months, and not just a few either. She has known White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Red, Green, and Pink at the very least for a long time now. Maybe she is going to be an artist? Only time will tell.

Successful Trip

The test was a success last night, we actually got done “early” as we were finished by 3:00am and got to go back to the hotel and get some sleep. We potentially could have been done much sooner except we had some unforeseen issues that caused us to contact support for the encryption devices. After six hours of them not being able to help me figure out what the issue was I resolved it by taking an alternate configuration route. The device is not set up in a cluster like we originally hoped, but rather in a stand alone mode and technically this is the vendor supported configuration. We also had some issues with the backup server that was solved when Bob decided to try to run the server on a concatenated file system instead of a striped JFS2 file system. We are still not sure why we got better performance this way than we did with the stripped file system, it does not make sense. We lost a few hours with that but likely it overlapped with my vendor issue. Once I solved the encryption problem things went fine and we were done in a few hours.

We got back to the hotel around 3:30am, after walking back from the test site. Walking through Philadelphia at night brought back some memories. It’s odd how comfortable it was walking through the city at such a late hour. I would never walk through Detroit at that time, but I never worried about stuff like that with Philly. I also didn’t realize just how much I missed Philly. I woke up around 7am and considering I was having such a hard time sleeping I decided to get some breakfast and walk around the city for a bit. I took a number of pictures of City Hall with my phone, and they will eventually be added to the gallery. This building is the largest and tallest Masonry Building in the world. Oddly enough when I lived in PA just outside of Philly, I never made it into Center City to see this building. I’m glad I finally got the opportunity to see it, even though I got no sleep.

The plain ride back to MI was fine, and I even got to take a little nap. I think I will be heading back to Philly in September for another, much larger, DR test. I probably wont have any time to walk around then though, I guess only time will tell.

City of Brotherly Love

Today I flew out to Philadelphia to perform a disaster recovery test in preparation to implement some hardware encryption devices. We are staying down in Center City at the Embassy Suites, right next to City Hall. We got out here a little latter than we had hoped due to airport delays, but we were still able to walk over to the test site and take a look around, as it is our first time at this location. It was nice walking around the city, to bad I wont be able to enjoy more of it. Oh well, time to get some sleep as the test starts at 8am tomorrow morning.

Happy Birthday Kylie

Happy Third Birthday Kylie!!

Mommy and Daddy love you very much and are so very proud of you for all that you have accomplished this year. Topping it off with being fully potty trained before your third birthday. You are truly an amazing little girl and you continue to grow so fast. Feel free to slow down some. Whole bunches, Little Bit, whole bunches!

“I can do it Daddy…”

It has been just over 2 weeks since Kylie had her nap time potty training break through and just under a week since our first dry night, so I thought it time for a quick update. Ever since the nap time potty break through Kylie has been going poop in the potty by herself and going to the bathroom by herself. By this I mean that she will actually go into the bathroom, turn on the light, lift the toilet lid if need be, seat herself on the toilet, and use the potty by herself. If someone attempts to help her before she is finished, she will ask them to leave. On more than one occasion she has actually told me “I can do it Daddy, you go back in the living room.” Yes that is a direct quote from my not quit yet 3 year old daughter. In addition to this, we are no longer wearing diapers, at all. She is growing to be an independent girl, and though I would be very happy if she could stay my little girl a bit longer and not grow up so fast, I am very proud of her and hope she will always be so independent and self reliant. But her Daddy will always be here if and when she needs me.

First Diaper Free Night, Part 2

I just got a phone call this morning from a very happy Kylie and a very proud and happy Mommy. Kylie woke up dry this morning! Her first night without a diaper and she has gone through the entire night without an accident! Mommy and Daddy are very proud of Kylie, and while we are sure we will have some accidents, we think that it is time that Kylie stops wearing diapers all together. She has already proven that she can use the toilet like a big girl, and now she has shown she can go all night without an accident. For all intents she is potty trained, before the age of 3! We are very proud of her.

First Diaper Free Night, Part 1

Tonight, with Kylie’s insistence, Tiffany has put Kylie to bed without a diaper. Normally Kylie wears a diaper to bed because she does not usually wake in the night to go to the bathroom, and as such wakes up wet. Tonight, when Mommy was getting Kylie ready, Kylie threw a fit, insisting that she did not want to wear a diaper, that she wanted to wear her panties like a big girl. So Mommy let her go to bed without a diaper but with only a little bit of water before going to bed. We will
have to see in the morning if she wakes up dry or not.