I went and saw this movie last night and I have to say that I am very happy with it. Having read the book I can honestly say that they did a very good job with keeping as true to the book as possible. This is an improvement over the last movie, which was different from the book from almost the first minute. I was very impressed with how they portrayed “Mad Eye”, as he was almost exactly as I had pictured him. This is also the first movie where we get to see Lord Voldemort as he is now, and the scene of his “rebirth” was also very true to the book. The movie is considerably abridged, but that is to be expected when a book becomes a movie. I have also already heard some people complaining that this movie is “too dark” and not suited for children. Well there is a reason that the movie is rated PG-13, and had people read the book they would have known that it is dark. In any event, I am looking forward to seeing this movie again when it comes to DVD as I know I will be purchasing it. The only thing left to do now is wait until 2007 for Order of the Phoenix to be released in theaters.
Monthly Archives: November 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
So today was Kylie’s first Thanksgiving. It was a good night for her, as she got to try some new food. Well a new food at any rate. Tonight, in honor of Thanksgiving, we gave her some Sweet Potatoes. She seems to like them, and so that officially begins her introduction to “jar food”. Before this all she has had is milk and rice cereal. She still loves the rice cereal so we now have two things that she can switch to instead of having milk all the time. I have some really nice pictures of her eating the sweet potatoes in her Babee Tenda feeding table, and as soon as I can get caught up on getting pictures into the gallery they will be there. Some of the pictures are of me feeding her and some are of Tiffany feeding her. At any rate I hope to be caught up with the pictures by the end of the month.
5 months old
Kylie is 5 months old today! It has been an exciting month as we have watched her develop even more. As I had mentioned in a previous post she has started to talk, and unlike the previous post, we know now that she has some knowledge of what she is saying, as opposed to just mimicking sounds. She now says “Da-da” almost every time she sees me, thus re-enforcing the idea that she actually knows what she is saying. She also seems to like the sound of my voice as she will almost always look around for me when she hears my voice, which makes me very happy. In addition to the talking she is now eating rice cereal. It took a few tries to find the right consistency and preparation method for her, but we have it pretty much figured out now. There is no real science to it, she seems to like it to be a little on the thicker side, almost like chunky apple sauce, preferably made with water and then warmed in the microwave for 10 seconds. Not only does she seem to like this, but she literally grabs for the spoon and brings it to her mouth on her own. On another note, earlier today Tiffany told me that Kylie pulled herself to a standing position while playing with one of her toys at Grammy Bev’s house, so this appears to be the early stages of her standing on her own as well. As far as locomotion goes, she is not quite crawling yet, but she has become rather adept at slowly pulling herself across the floor to get to where she wants to be. Sometimes she gets her knees under her though and shows great potential for crawling. I see no reason why she wouldn’t be crawling by Christmas if not sooner, then the real fun begins, or so I am told. All in all she is doing very well and is still a very happy baby. Her next doctors appointment is scheduled for early January, so we will have height and weight updates then.
Hunting trip re-cap – first buck
Well last week was opening week for firearm season of deer hunting, and as usual it found me out in the woods in the frigid air hoping to fill my tag. This year started off like all the rest, arranging for time off from work and traveling out to Allegan to stay at the usual Motel (“Deer Camp”), and then starting off bright and early on opening morning. This year, however, would be different; for this is the year I tagged my first deer! That’s right at about 10:30am on opening morning I tagged a button buck for my first deer ever. It’s not very large seeing as it is a young buck, but it is still nice. All in all it was a very good hunting trip as the five of us whom went brought back five deer, four bucks and one doe. Unfortunately Mike didn’t fill his tag this year but he played a huge part in his son tagging a nice 10 point buck, which is also his first deer with a firearm. Once I get pictures back I will be sure to put them up, just not sure when I will get those pictures though. Only 51 weeks until we do it again!
Action Hero
Huh…go figure, i’m a pirate.
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow. Roguish, quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com
The following is taken from an email that Tiffany gets every week from a place called Baby Center:
Want a foolproof way to make your baby laugh? Mimic his facial expressions and sounds. Not only will he be tickled pink, but he’ll also learn something about communication, since imitation and repetition are key ingredients in early brain development. If he hears you say the same words often enough, he may even begin to make some almost recognizable noises, including ones that sound suspiciously like “Ma-ma” and “Da-da.”
That being said…Thursday 11-3-2005 Kylie said her first word. She said “Ma-ma” while sitting on her Uncle Chris’s (K) lap while he, Aunt Tracey and Tiffany were all sitting around talking. I am not certain if she actually understands the meaning behind the word and knew what she was saying or not, but it is still rather exciting. Not to mention that Tiffany is thrilled that she said “Ma-ma” as her first word.
In Memory Of….
Who passed away 8 years ago today.
Your family misses you and loves you very much.
You will never be forgotten.~Your Loving Family
Yep, so it is finally here…November. This has got to be my favorite month. The month when all the leaves start to change colors and fall, the air gets that true crispness to it, the smell of fireplaces and of general wood burning is in the air, and I purchase my hunting permit. Hahaha Yes! That’s right, hunting! Fourteen days from today is opening day of firearm season, the most looked forward to day of the year! In exactly two weeks I will be up and in the woods before dawn, waiting for that one or perhaps two unsuspecting deer to cross my path…and then…BANG!, food for the winter. Yes, sweet November indeed. I am hoping this will be the year that I finally tag one; it doesn’t need to be that monster buck or anything, just something to put food on the table. You see I really enjoy the taste of venison and this is one of the only times during the year that I have the opportunity to get it, so it is highly anticipated. So with any luck I will tag one this year and have a few months of yummy venison to eat. But if I should happen to not fill a tag that’s ok too, because spending that much time in the woods is a nice relaxing time and a great break from work. Yep, that’s why I like November. Oh yeah…and pumpkin pie too…Mmmm Pumpkin Pie…