5 months old

Kylie is 5 months old today! It has been an exciting month as we have watched her develop even more. As I had mentioned in a previous post she has started to talk, and unlike the previous post, we know now that she has some knowledge of what she is saying, as opposed to just mimicking sounds. She now says “Da-da” almost every time she sees me, thus re-enforcing the idea that she actually knows what she is saying. She also seems to like the sound of my voice as she will almost always look around for me when she hears my voice, which makes me very happy. In addition to the talking she is now eating rice cereal. It took a few tries to find the right consistency and preparation method for her, but we have it pretty much figured out now. There is no real science to it, she seems to like it to be a little on the thicker side, almost like chunky apple sauce, preferably made with water and then warmed in the microwave for 10 seconds. Not only does she seem to like this, but she literally grabs for the spoon and brings it to her mouth on her own. On another note, earlier today Tiffany told me that Kylie pulled herself to a standing position while playing with one of her toys at Grammy Bev’s house, so this appears to be the early stages of her standing on her own as well. As far as locomotion goes, she is not quite crawling yet, but she has become rather adept at slowly pulling herself across the floor to get to where she wants to be. Sometimes she gets her knees under her though and shows great potential for crawling. I see no reason why she wouldn’t be crawling by Christmas if not sooner, then the real fun begins, or so I am told. All in all she is doing very well and is still a very happy baby. Her next doctors appointment is scheduled for early January, so we will have height and weight updates then.