Math Problems

Kylie has been having trouble with math and though she is getting extra help at school Tiffany and I feel that it isn’t enough. So today we had a consultation with the Sylvan Learning center. We sat down with them and told them what our concerns were and where we felt Kylie was having difficulties. They took Kylie into another room for some evaluations and will get back to us with their findings.

First Day of Second Grade

It’s hard to believe, but today was Kylie’s first day of second grade! I wasn’t able to get the time off from work to be able to see her off for her first day, but Mommy was able too and she told me all about how sad it was. Well, the event itself wasn’t sad, seeing Kylie go off to another first day of school is actually very exciting and gratifying as a parent, the sad part is watching your child grow up and seeing them need you a little less each day. Let me explain with some back story… Last night Kylie and Mommy were talking about how this morning was going to go when they got to school and how Kylie wanted Mommy to walk up to her new classroom with her to make sure she found it ok.  This year Kylie has a new classroom on the second floor of the building, in Mrs. Prince’s class, and she wanted Mommy to help make sure that she found the classroom alright. So this was the plan and Mommy was happy to help her, until they got to school that is, and Kylie changed her mind. When they got there Kylie found a couple of her friends from last year that also have the same teacher as her and so she decided that Mommy didn’t need to help because she and her friends would be fine. This sudden change in plans forced Mommy to realize that Kylie is indeed a year older and growing up, which made her a little sad. Kylie on the other hand had a great first day and is very excited about seeing all of her friends again, having a new teacher with a room on the second floor, and all the new things she is going to learn this year!

Second Grade Check-up

Today was Kylie’s yearly back to school check up and the numbers are pretty good. She is 49 inches tall (4 feet 1 inch) which means that over the course of the year she grew 3 inches, though to be honest it seems like she grew much more than that! Additionally she is now 69 pounds which is 16 pounds more than she weighed last year. Thankfully there were no issues with the blood pressure cup this year, and her pressure was 100/58 which the doctor told us is still normal for her age. Everything in general is looking very good and she is all set for the start of second grade!

Yearly Pictures, a Little Late

Today we were finally able to go and have Kylie’s 7 year and family pictures taken. We typically like to have these done closer to her birthday so we have an annual timeline of her, and us, growing up. However this year we had a few issues getting the time lined up with the photographer, mainly because we were hoping to use Tiffany’s friend Sara take the pictures but the timing just wasn’t working. So we went back to Sear’s Portrait Studio and had these lovely pictures taken. I have always been happy with the way their pictures come out, but we were hoping to do some on location shots, these will have to be arranged for later I guess.

Seven Years Already!

Happy 7th birthday Kylie! The time has gone by so fast! It feels like it was only yesterday that we brought you home. You’re growing up too fast Little Bit, slow down some for Mommy and Daddy, please? We love you, whole bunches forever!

Here’s some things that happened this past year:
04/20/2012 – You lost your fourth tooth.
03/30/2012 – First night in your new bed.
03/19/2012 – Daddy broke down and admitted you are growing up and bought you a new bed.
03/16/2012 – Astrological conversations, and a great view.
02/14/2012 – You lost your third tooth.
02/12/2012 – We went to our first Daddy/Daughter dance!
10/12/2011 – Boy troubles get worse.
10/11/2011 – You tasted our first beer.
09/13/2011 – Boy troubles begin earlier than anticipated.
08/09/2011, 08/10/2011, 08/11/2011 – A few days in Chicago
06/24/2011 – Surgery day, tonsils and adenoids removed.

Birthday Party Day

We had Kylie’s 7th Birthday party today and it was a very nice day. Kylie invited over a few of her girlfriends from school and ballet and we had a little cook out at Mommy’s house. The girls were able to play on Kylie’s swing set and swim in the pool before and after cake and presents. Even though the weather was hot, it wasn’t unbearably so, and the fact that we put up a tent canopy for everyone to sit under added a nice bit of shade. It’s hard to believe that in just a few short days Kylie will be 7 years old!

Done with 1st Grade!

Today was Kylie’s last day of 1st grade! I can’t believe how fast the time is going by. Kylie is now officially a 2nd grader, having past first grade with flying colors. In fact she has done so well this year that she already has a tremendous leap on at least one of next years requirements. By the end of second grade all students must be reading at a level 28, Kylie is already reading at a level 24! There is a real possibility that she could reach level 28 before the next school year depending on how much reading she does over the summer. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you Kylie!

Ballet Recital and Ice Cream

Today was Kylie’s ballet recital! She did amazing and it is wonderful to see how far she has come over the few years she has been participating in ballet. Her instructor, Mr. Seth, says he is also very proud of her and has had told us on a number of occasions that he was very pleased that we allowed Kylie to move up to the higher level class. She is one of the strongest members of her class and moving her up gave her the added difficulty she needed to stay focused and involved. The recital was a big success and all the classes were fun to watch. After the recital we continued our tradition and went to Stroh’s for some ice cream.Now to start working towards next year’s recital.

Now I Feel Old

I have an old, miniature Frogger arcade game from when I was a kid. I brought it back from New York the last time we were out there. I remember my brother Chris and I playing this game and another we had of Donkey Kong, for hours when we were younger. I have told Kylie this very story when I first showed her the game and showed her how to play it. She seems to enjoy playing the game occasionally. Today she saw the game again, apparently she had forgotten about it, and then immediately asked me a question that made me feel old. When she saw the Frogger game she was momentarily excited and then immediately asked if I had Frogger “back in the old days.” I laughed and asked if she meant when I was a kid and she said yes. So now my childhood is back in the “old days,” amazing how quickly we can feel so old.