First Day of Second Grade

It’s hard to believe, but today was Kylie’s first day of second grade! I wasn’t able to get the time off from work to be able to see her off for her first day, but Mommy was able too and she told me all about how sad it was. Well, the event itself wasn’t sad, seeing Kylie go off to another first day of school is actually very exciting and gratifying as a parent, the sad part is watching your child grow up and seeing them need you a little less each day. Let me explain with some back story… Last night Kylie and Mommy were talking about how this morning was going to go when they got to school and how Kylie wanted Mommy to walk up to her new classroom with her to make sure she found it ok.  This year Kylie has a new classroom on the second floor of the building, in Mrs. Prince’s class, and she wanted Mommy to help make sure that she found the classroom alright. So this was the plan and Mommy was happy to help her, until they got to school that is, and Kylie changed her mind. When they got there Kylie found a couple of her friends from last year that also have the same teacher as her and so she decided that Mommy didn’t need to help because she and her friends would be fine. This sudden change in plans forced Mommy to realize that Kylie is indeed a year older and growing up, which made her a little sad. Kylie on the other hand had a great first day and is very excited about seeing all of her friends again, having a new teacher with a room on the second floor, and all the new things she is going to learn this year!