Yearly Pictures, a Little Late

Today we were finally able to go and have Kylie’s 7 year and family pictures taken. We typically like to have these done closer to her birthday so we have an annual timeline of her, and us, growing up. However this year we had a few issues getting the time lined up with the photographer, mainly because we were hoping to use Tiffany’s friend Sara take the pictures but the timing just wasn’t working. So we went back to Sear’s Portrait Studio and had these lovely pictures taken. I have always been happy with the way their pictures come out, but we were hoping to do some on location shots, these will have to be arranged for later I guess.

Peregrine Falcon Rescue

Today Kylie, Melissa and I had a very strange, and probably rare, experience. We got to help rescue an injured Peregrine Falcon. We were on our way to Target to get Kylie anew bathing suit, and as we passed the car wash next to Meijer Daddy saw the Falcon standing under a tree. After turning around and going back we were realized that the Falcon was injured. There was another lady there who said she had already called the humane society and was waiting for their emergency animal pick up, so we went on to Target. While we were there Daddy made a few phone calls to track down other possible places for the falcon to go, but none were available. When we left to back home the falcon was still there and other people had gathered as well. This time when we pulled in we found out that the emergency pick-up personnel from the humane society was not going to be able to come for the falcon as they were dealing with another issue elsewhere. They suggested that if someone could get a blanket over the falcon and gently wrap it, that we could then put the raptor in a box and bring it to the humane society. Other people were currently trying to get the falcon, but all they had was a T-shirt, and that’s when Daddy remembered that we have a blanket in the truck. After getting the blanket, and working in coordination with the two other people who were trying to get the falcon, Daddy was able to get behind the falcon and drape the blanket over it and then gentle hold and wrap it, pick it up and place it in a box. We then followed some other helpers to the humane society. When we got there we gave the falcon to their emergency unit, but they came back out a few minutes later and told us they were not going to be able to save the falcon; it’s wing was badly broken and it’s one claw was badly mangled, unfortunately that had to euthanize the falcon. Even though there was a sad ending for the falcon, we all felt really good that we at least tried to help the bird. We were able to take a few pictures of the injured falcon, also a video of us catching the falcon.

Yearly Portraits

Today was our annual Family portrait day, which just happens to coincide with Kylie’s yearly birthday portraits as well. So off we went to Sears, and as usual the pictures came out great! The pictures are all up in the gallery and can be seen here.

Holiday Portraits

Today we went to Sears and had Kylie’s holiday portraits taken. As usual they came out terrific and Kylie did a great job! The pictures are up in the gallery and can be found here. I love that I can get the pictures instantaneously on CD with the copyrights from Sears, so even though we wont have the physical prints for 2 weeks; we already have all the shots from the session. Aren’t digital pictures the greatest?

Just found some more

Pictures that needed to be added into Kylie’s gallery. These can be found in the August 2009 album (08-15-2009 and 08-29-2009) and the October 2009 album (10-12-2009). The ones from the August 29th are the first few of many to come from the day of the Renaissance Festival, these first few happen to be of us having break fast at IHOP before going to the festival. I have no idea when I am going to get to those pictures as the ones I took are still on my camera and I have not even looked at the ones from Melissa’s camera yet (though she has at least gotten hers off her camera). In any event this has been a very productive week in terms of things getting done on the site. Guess I hit some type of web work flourish, it’s been kind of nice…

More Pictures

I just added more pictures to Kylie’s Year 5 Gallery. Now all the pictures that I currently have for the month of September are up and ready for viewing. I still have to go through all the pictures we took when we went to the Renaissance Festival (I haven’t even gotten them off the camera yet 🙁 ) I also have some videos to try and upload and some more audio files as well (not necessarily voice mails as now I can record conversations with Kylie too).

I Was Really Behind

I am finally getting around to catching up on website related work. New pictures have long been overdue and I discovered that not only do I have new recent photos I have some new ones going all the way back to May! Here are the new pictures that went into Kylie’s Year 4 gallery:

And here are the new pictures that went into Kylie’s Year 5 gallery:

There are still more to come, but I have already been working on this for many hours today. Hopefully I will get the rest up soon, as I also have a few videos to go up as well.

New Pictures Up

I finally uploaded some new pictures to the gallery including the end of Kylie’s year 4 pictures and the start of year 5. I think this brings everything up to date. Of course as soon as I post this I will find more that I need to process and get up. There may have been others added in random places so if you are really interested you will need to browse through and see what else there may be to find in the gallery.

Fairy Door Hunt

A while ago Melissa came home from work with a piece of paper talking about Fairy Doors and how they are scattered around Ann Arbor. We had talked about it being a good way for us to do some more adventuring around Ann Arbor, something we have wanted to do for a while but never have the time, and then forgot about it. Last night Melissa found this piece of paper again and found there was a link on the paper to Urban Fairies. We checked it out and decided that today, after she got done with work, we would go on a hunt. It was rather interesting and we got to adventure around Ann Arbor and visit stores we otherwise would not. We had a very yummy iced Chai Tea at Sweetwaters Cafe, and I would like to go back there one day. We took a lot of pictures of the doors we found as well. Though we did not get to see the one located inside the Ann Arbor Google office because they were closed, it was still a very nice and fun day.

Children’s Art Showcase

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go view Kylie’s art gallery exhibit at school. Each year the children of the Children’s Institute supply art for the Children’s Art Showcase. Each child has at least one piece of art that they created, and most of the rooms (maybe all, I am not certain) have a piece that all the children of that room helped to create. This is actually the first showcase that I was able to make it to, and it was very nice. All of the artwork was very interesting and unique, and I am very happy that all of the children have the opportunity to express themselves in this fashion. I only took a few pictures, but they can be found here. I did, of course, make certain to get pictures of the piece of art that Kylie created, which I think is beautiful and expressive. She seems to enjoy doing art work and expressing herself artistically, through painting or dancing or even playing music. I look forward to encouraging these activities as much as I can as she grows.