New pictures are up in the gallery. At this point I think I now have every picture I currently have of Kylie up, more accurately all the ones that I have dates for are up. This includes pictures going back into last year and prior. There are still some more pictures that I am trying to track down dates for, and I am certain there will be more pictures in the future. But for now, I think I finally caught up.
Category Archives: Site Info
New WordPress
Updated to the new WordPress 2.3, but this time I did using subversion. I had to first install subversion, which with Gentoo is ridiculously easy. I only decided to use subversion because Gentoo has masked WordPress due to some older issues and I got tired of updating manually. This is actually my first experience using subversion and I have to say it was pretty easy, just as easy as emerge in fact. So far it appears as though this release still has the same bug that the previous version had, i guess I will have to work on it.
Pictures, and lots of them
I finally have gotten all of the pictures that I have laying around up and into the site. This includes all of Kylie’s Year 3 pictures to date, the images of Bethlehem Cemetery, and pictures of my Vulcan. I am currently going through images that I have found to see if they are up on the site already or not, and I think most of them if not all of them are, so this update should now bring everything fully up to date. It’s about time too!
Finally, More Pictures in Kylie’s Gallery
I have finally gotten around to adding pictures to Kylie’s gallery! I think I am now caught up through year 2, with the obvious exception of any images I lost during my hard drive failure while I was out in MN. All the pictures can be found in her year two gallery. I have pictures ready to start her year three gallery; I just need to find time to get them up. I think I will be doing that gallery differently though. I think I will be doing it in the form Year 3 – June 07 – Date, so there will still potentially be 12 albums but each album could potentially have as many sub albums as days in the month. We will see how that goes, I think it will be easier to implement and more organizational, plus I will be able to tell quicker what days I took the pictures on.
Cemetery Pictures
After being home for three months, I have finally gotten around to locating and uploading the pictures I took of the Fort Snelling National Cemetery. I took these images on the first day I was in MN while I was out trying to find my way from the hotel to work. This is the first, and so far only, National Cemetery that I have been in and both the size and uniformity of it was astonishing. Unlike the pictures of the other cemeteries I have been to, this one does not really have images of individual headstones, but rather panoramic views of the vast sea of white stones. They can be found here
Spring Maintenance
I did a little work on the system tonight. Mainly back end maintenance including an upgrade to the new word press release. The upgrade has broken some things and when I have more time I will devote a few minutes to fixing them if I can. However nothing major that will effect the sites operation is down, so I am not to concerned about it. In addition to the upgrade I also deleted a few unused and unneeded things. I finally got around to moving the blog itself from /blog to /. This just means that the site is now accessible from or Going to either one of these addresses will now show the blog, as opposed to how the old showed a different index site. The old theme that I had been using does not appear to be supporting the new word press version, so I had to pull it out. Hopefully that will get updated and I can re-use it
New Pictures
I finally got around to uploading the pictures from my last two trips home. They are not all labeled yet, but they are up. I will slowly be working on labeling them, but that will take a while as there are a lot of pictures. These pictures include Thanksgiving, Christmas, Delaney’s birthday party, and everything in between. They are all in Kylie’s year 2 album, more specifically in month 6 and month 7.
No Pictures Yet
I know I have been back in Burnsville now for going on a month and I have yet to put the new pictures up. I am sorry, but I have been real busy with work and on the weekends that I have not been working the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer for hours on end. I have finally gotten around to tacking the pictures off of my camera and getting them to my laptop, now I just need to prepare them for the site, upload them, and label all of them. This is going to take a lot of time and unfortunately will not be done before the first of the year. As it stands right now I have 367 pictures from when I was home for Thanksgiving, including many of Kylie and Delaney playing together. I am sure I will end up having even more after the New Year as I will be home for a few extra days for the holidays. I will try and get them all taken care of and up as soon as possible.
More pictures of Kylie
I finally got all the pictures I have of Kylie up in the gallery. This includes all pictures that Tiffany was able to give me and all the pictures I took on my all too short weekend home. They can be found in her year two album in the gallery, more exactly there are some new ones in month 3 week 5, all of month 4, and all of month 5 which also includes all of the pictures taken at the Zoo Boo.
New Pictures
I finally got around to adding some new pictures up in the gallery. Nothing of Kylie unfortunetly, but being 600 miles away from her has had a negative impact on the amount of pictures I can take of her. I have added some new cemetery pictures, and pictures of my truck. A while ago I also added pictures from up north, but I think I forgot to mention it. I still have more pictures to add, mainly of things out here in MN, they will go in as soon as I have some more time. Until then feel free to look through whats already here.