Collections Update

I finally got around to doing a little bit of site maintenance and updates. I have finally updated the collection pages to reflect some new books and movies I have aquired recently. In addition I have also added in my Wii games, even though I only have three at the moment. This may or may not change over time, especially as I have a habit of trading games in as I either beat them or just get tired of them. I also borrow games from friends in an attempt to save some money. I have already borrowed Resident Evil 4 from Torrey and beaten that, plus I have traded in House of the Dead 2 & 3 (two games, one disk) as I have beaten it. As such those games are not in the list, only the three games I currently have, not including the Wii Sports game that comes with the Wii console. I have a few other updates in mind for the site as well, I guess we shall see if I ever get around to implementing them.

Some New Pictures

I have uploaded some more pictures to the gallery. Mainly the ones I took in PA on my last trip, but there were some other random pictures too. None from Wiard’s yet though, I still need to process them.

Gallery Update

I finally got around to adding some more pictures to Kylie’s gallery today. I even added some of the pictures from Jackie and Russell’s wedding, not all of them, just a few selected ones from the wedding that have Kylie in them. Eventually I hope to get a good portion of the wedding pictures up and added into the gallery, probably not all 500+ of them, but some. Enjoy what is up for now, it will be some time before I get to do the wedding pictures.

Collections Updated

I finally got around to updating the collections page to reflect the new movies I have gotten and a couple of new books as well. I might be selling off my books soon though. As I have been kind of tight on money lately and I have not gone back and re-read any of them lately. I am sure I would keep a certain few. But for the most part I have been looking at a number of them lately and trying to determine if I would realistically re-read them or not. Those might be ones that are good candidates for selling. I will have to wait and see what happens and what I have the time for.

Kylie’s Voice Mails

A long time ago I mentioned that I had found a way to get voicemails off of my phone and save them. Ever since that time it had been my intention to find a way to edit those files and remove the unnecessary information (some of the automated systems comments and options) from the files in hopes of posting them so I would have a central place to listen to them. In addition to the memories each of these recordings provide for me, it is also a nice audio record of Kylie’s growth and development. I can hear her voice change over the course of the voice mails, and I can hear her vocabulary grow and improve as well.

Recently I found the software that I need to edit these files, and after editing them all, today I was able to upload them to the server and create a page for them. The page can be found off to the right in the navigation pane under the collections page and is listed as Voice Mails, or you can go to it directly by clicking here. I am lucky enough to have recordings going all the wat back to 2006. Hopefully I will add many more messages to this collection as she grows and continues to leave me messages when I am unable to answer my phone.

New Pictures

I finally got the time to prepare all the pictures and get them up on the site. I have finished out Kylie’s Year 3 gallery and started her Year 4 gallery. In addition I added the pictures I took on my work trip back to Philadelphia. I also made a slight change to the gallery so now all the top level albums show on one page.

Category Hierarchy

I discovered a category hierarchy within wordpress today and after a few minutes of playing around with it I think I like the new set up. What will happen now is when ever a new post is created that I tag with Kylie or Ed it will automatically appear under the Family category even without me tagging it as such. This will have the effect of keeping the counts a little more true. For instance if the Family category shows 23 posts, then there are 23 posts tagged with Family, but not tagged with Ed or Kylie. However, if you view the Family category it will show those 23 posts and all the posts tagged with Ed and/or Kylie. The Family category acts as the parent category and contains, at this point, the Kylie and Ed categories. At current it is the only nested category but in the future I could see the possibility for others. Such as a Pictures category that would also fall under the Site Info category to easily review all posts of when pictures were added to the site, or perhaps an upgrade category under that same parent for when either the site software or hardware is modified. I guess only time will tell.

More Pictures

I added some more photo’s to Kylie’s gallery. Mainly all new year 3 photos, but a few older ones that have made there way to me have been put up as well. They can be found in the usual location.

New DVD Collections page

I have replaced the DVD collections page with a more dynamic page with the use of a piece of software I have found. I had to re-enter my collection as I could not get it to import the way I wanted. I am in the process of doing the same thing for my books, but that will take a little longer. There are somethings that I don’t like about the layout and sorting options, but that may be because I have not yet delved into it deep enough. Either way, the new collection view is up and can be found here. I do like that the resulting collections page shows the images of the DVD covers, and that by clicking on those images the site dynamically displays information about the title.

Picture Update

A few more pictures have been added into the gallery tonight. Not as many pictures as the last update, but with the exception of a few pictures that I am still trying to track down dates for, I think I am all caught up.