Meeting with an Otolaryngologist

Today we (Mommy, Daddy, and Kylie) had a meeting with an ENT (otolaryngologist) about taking Kylie’s tonsils out. Based on what the ENT saw (both from examining Kylie and looking at her records) and what he heard from us, he thinks that she is a candidate to have her tonsils taken out. A good portion of this decision is based on the number of times Kylie has had strep throat in the past year, and he said that based on that alone Kylie is a candidate as she is at the threshold based on that number. While Mommy thinks it would be best for Kylie to have them out now, Daddy is a little less certain. The idea of surgery, and Daddy’s memories of being in the hospital for three days when he had his out, has Daddy wanting to wait a little. Mommy, on the other hand, remembers how much better she felt as a kid after having hers out, and how less often she got sick. After talking together outside of the office we decide if Kylie has strep one more time by her birthday then we will have them taken out, as this would put her over the bare minimum of times required for the surgery. Now we will have to wait and see.

Second Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conference

Mommy had Kylie’s second parent teacher conference today (like with the first meeting, Mommy and Daddy decided it would be silly for Daddy to make the 2 hour round trip drive for a 10 minute meeting) and she filled me in on all the good news. At this point in the school year Kylie has already surpassed all of the end of year criteria for promotion to the first grade! That criteria includes reading at a level 2, and counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100 without issue. The teacher did say that Kylie has begun to be a little more disruptive. Well, maybe not disruptive, but when it is time to stop talking for instance she now finds that she sometimes has to remind Kylie that it is time to settle down. Mommy and I are wondering if this might be because Kylie has already mastered what they are currently learning, and the teacher seems to think so too because after telling us about this she said she thinks this will change shortly because next week they are going to begin their science course and will be learning about new things, which she thinks will re-engage Kylie and help pull her back to her normal behaviour. Either way we are very proud of how well Kylie is doing and are certain she will continue to excel and be a great student.

She Wants to Conduct

Got a phone call from Kylie today and she told me that when she grows up she does not want to play violin, instead she wants to be a conductor. I told her that would be a lot of fun, but she would have to practice real hard to learn all the different hand signals and how to properly tell each player when and what to play. She said she understood that, and she was going to see what she needed to learn. I don’t know what made her decide she wanted to be a conductor, but if that is what she wants she knows I will support her and help her in any way that I can.

My Kindle’s Here

My Kindle arrived today, so when I got home from work i spent a few minutes opening and preparing it. The case I bought with it (M-Edge) also arrived, so I immediately placed the Kindle in it. I have to say I really like the way the kindle fits in this case and am happy I got it. After reading through the welcome letter that is preloaded on the device I configured it to connect to my wireless router so it can get a wireless network connection and then I ran a manual sync to pull down all the books I had been previously reading on my Blackberry. Once the sync was done I pulled up the book I am currently reading, The Count of Monte Cristo (free for the Kindle), and was delighted to see it sync to the farthest page I had already read to. I found the default text size to be good for me and so I didn’t need to make any changes to begin reading. The text is clear and crisp, and the controls for turning the page are at the perfect position for easily pressing with my thumb. When the page is turned the new text flashes on to the screen promptly and is just as quick as physically turning a page on a real book. All in all I think I am going to enjoy having this. Now I just need to work on replacing my physical books and then getting rid of those. While I like having the books I would much rather have less stuff around the house. I think this was a good purchase after all, and with any luck I will start finding time to read more again now that I can quickly and easily get new books.

A Mommy – Daughter Day

Today Kylie and Mommy spent some time together and went and had a much needed Mommy-Daughter day. They went and got manicures, and pedicures, they had their hair done (Kylie just got a cut while Mommy got a cut and color) and they even did some shopping! Everything a girl needs to have a nice relaxing day.

Mommy-Daughter Day

Gettin’ a Kindle

I finally broke down and bought a Kindle today. After wanting one for over a year and spending the last week talking myself out of it on a daily basis, I finally bought one. On one hand I am happy that I have it coming and on the other I already feel bad for spending the money on myself. However, I have been doing very well with paying down debt and I rarely ever buy anything for myself, so I feel it is justified. I am really looking forward to it getting here and hope that this will also motivate me to find more time to relax and read as well. I know I am looking forward to reading the books that I have been reading via the Kindle App on my Blackberry on a larger screen when I am at home and not having to be in front of my computer to do that. The only other thing I need to do now is resist the urge to immediately go purchase all the books that are out that I want to read.

Ear Infection and Violin Recital

Today was a very busy day, mainly for Kylie and partially due to last night. Tiffany called me this morning to tell me that she is fairly certain that Kylie has an ear infection. Last night Kylie had a very hard time sleeping because every time she laid down she started to cry because her head was hurting. Unfortunately due to a lot of past experience for both Mommy and Daddy, we both recognize this as a tell tale sign of an ear infection. So they were heading off to urgent care to have it verified and get some medicine to help her feel better. Fast forward an hour later and we have a confirmed ear infection and apparently what would have been another case of strep in a few days had she not had the ear infection. They prescribed her some amoxicillin which will treat both the ear infection and the onset of strep, so she should be good in a few days, and hopefully tonight she will sleep a lot better.

After all of that we still had something very exciting to new today; Kylie’s first violin recital! She was the third to perform and she did wonderful! At the time when I was sitting in the audience watching her on stage all by herself playing Twinkle Twinkle as Pepperoni Pizza I was so proud and happy! But as I sat watching the rest of the recital I noticed something, when many of the other kids were up performing their recitals their teachers were with them, but when Kylie was up there she was alone. Afterwords I found out that Kylie’s teacher (Aerial) had asked Kylie if she wanted her to go up and perform with her and Kylie said “No, I want to go by myself” and so she did! When all the students were done performing their recitals we all went to Roma’s to have some pizza and celebrate. Here is a video of Kylie’s performance that Mommy was able to get with her camera.

There Goes the Second Tooth

Kylie lost her second tooth this afternoon! It had been really loose all weekend long at Daddy’s house but Kylie would not let Daddy pull it out, she said she wanted it to come out at Mommy’s house. So today when I brought Kylie back to Mommy’s she convinced Kylie to let Daddy “wiggle it” and see if it Kylie's Second Lost Toothwould come out after Mommy tried and was not able to get it out. Daddy once again held on to the tooth with a napkin and gave it a gentle wiggle and it popped right out. Kylie was shocked that it came out and that she “really didn’t even feel it” (that’s how loose her tooth was) and is excited that the Tooth Fairy will again be visiting her, but this time at Mommy’s house. Now she has lost both of her front bottom teeth.

The Tooth Fairy Visits

Well the tooth fairy did come last night, and left Kylie a whole dollar and a certificate of congratulations for loosing her first tooth! Kylie was so happy and excited when she saw it. She is, however, different from Mommy and Daddy when we were little. When the tooth fairy came to visit us when we were little we couldn’t wait to check in the morning to see; Kylie on the other hand was up and awake for nearly 30 minutes; in fact she had come in to Daddy’s bed for a little while, before asking if she could look under her pillow to “see if anything was there”.  Then again she did sleep in on Christmas, so maybe we shouldn’t be too surprised.

Kylie Lost Her First Tooth

Kylie's First Lost ToothIt was really loose and Mommy had tried to pull it out but she said she couldn’t because it wasn’t ready yet. However, when Daddy came over to get Kylie for the weekend he looked at it and said that it was loose enough and Mommy just couldn’t get a good grip on it so he suggested that Mommy try holding the tooth with a napkin so it wouldn’t slip. Mommy tried that and still couldn’t get it, so she had Daddy try. After a little wiggle Daddy took his fingers out of Kylie’s mouth and Kylie said “See it just can’t come out yet.” Daddy smiled and so “Oh, really?” and unfolded the napkin to show Kylie that her tooth DID come out! Kylie was very surprised and really excited because that meant the Tooth Fairy would come to Daddy’s house!! Daddy asked Kylie if she wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate and she said “yes” and when asked where she wanted to go she said “Red Crabs” so off to Red Lobster we went. What a great day! Click on the picture to see other images of her missing tooth.