First Violin Lesson

Kylie had her first violin lesson today, and it went very well. She is taking lessons at Marshall Music in Allen Park, her teacher’s name is Ariel. Once a week (Monday’s) she has a half hour long private lesson; for the first 20 minutes Kylie and Ariel practice what they have already learned in the previous week and add something new to the lesson that builds upon it, and then for the last 10 minutes we can come in to see what she’s learned.

At the end of today’s lesson Ariel came out to get Mommy to bring her back to listen and said Kylie did fantastic and that she was already ahead of where other kids her age typically are. Ariel normally doesn’t teach the bow until about the second month because the child learns about the strings, the parts of the violin and how to hold it and looking at music before they throw the bow into the mix, however this is not the case with Kylie. She said she can really tell that Mommy has been working with Kylie, because she was able to use the bow today and her hold is just about perfect. Kylie is able to use the bow properly for the most part and she will get better with practice. So today Kylie learned what a 1/4 rest was and what the repeat bar looks like; she also learned how to pizzicato (to pluck the string). We also got a book for Kylie to use and practice with both at home and during lessons. Ariel is excited that Mommy can help to reinforce the lessons at home because she also plays the violin; Ariel said that Kylie will learn faster that way and she really looks forward to watching her grow musically.

Much Needed Ride

So far this summer I feel like I haven’t really had the opportunity to ride the Motorcycle as much as I would like to, either due to unfavorable weather or general life conflicts. Today though we got to take a nice ride out to Melissa’s parents’ house. Round trip it’s about 115 miles, which I know is not really a lot but it is better than nothing. This trip is always a nice one to take on the motorcycle because we ride along a lot of back country roads, so there is typically light traffic and some really nice scenery. My ultimate hope though is to one year be able to go on one of the extended motorcycle trips that my friend Chuck goes on. This year i might have tried to join him if not for work not allowing me the option to join, he will be riding around Lake Michigan with a few other guys, camping along the way. He estimated this trip to be about 1200 miles. That would be one hell of an experience!

Emergentcare Follow Up

Today we had our follow up with Kylie’s normal doctor to check on the status of her strep and to find out if they think it might be time to potentially have a tonsillectomy. After they reviewed what the urgent care doctors had seen and done (the urgent care had faxed over their records to Kylie’s primary care’s office) they decided to run a check to see where Kylie’s strep was at. This time the test came back negative, Kylie has been on antibiotics for two days now they think that this might be the reason; she is still to finish the rest of the dose just to be sure. We asked if they thought it might be time for her to have a tonsillectomy and after they reviewed her history they said it is not time yet, however, if Kylie gets another case of strep before November it would then be a serious possibility that we may need to see a specialist and have them removed. At this point we are just keeping our fingers crossed that she doesn’t get strep again before then, but with her starting kindergarten in September (WOW! that came a lot faster than we anticipated!) there is a high probability that she will come down with strep again. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed.

Emergentcare Visit

Yesterday Kylie was running a slight fever all day and was complaining that her throat and her ear were bothering her, which is unusual as Kylie rarely complains about anything. So Mommy kept an eye on her and gave her some children’s Tylenol to help reduce the fever and provide some relief to her pain. For the most part for the rest of the day Kylie seemed to be fine considering how she was feeling; she was cuddly and laid back for the day which is normal when she is not feeling well. What was not normal, however, was that Kylie did not want to eat anything for dinner and said she wanted to go to bed at 7pm! So this morning when Mommy got up she called to see if the doctor’s office was open, but due to the holiday they weren’t, so off to the emergent care they went. The doctor at the emergent care examined Kylie and said she has a bad case of strep and suggested that we take her to a ear nose and throat specialist to see about having her tonsils and adenoids removed. Mommy and Daddy have both had their tonsils removed so we are not surprised that it might be recommended for Kylie as well, however we will speak with Kylie’s normal doctor in the next day or so and see what they recommend. They did provide her with some antibiotics to start her along the path to feeling better though.

Yearly Portraits

Today was our annual Family portrait day, which just happens to coincide with Kylie’s yearly birthday portraits as well. So off we went to Sears, and as usual the pictures came out great! The pictures are all up in the gallery and can be seen here.