Today I completed one of my new year resolutions, and I think that may be first for me. At the beginning of the year I listed out a few things I wanted to accomplish this year and some steps that I was (hopefully) going to take to achieve those things. Today I am proud to say that I have fully completed one of the goals that was actually measurable and had a solid ending point. This morning I finished reading the Bible; not only have I caught up (I was about a month behind at the beginning of the year) I have finished a day early. By no means did I understand and comprehend everything I read, nor do I now consider myself a biblical scholar, but I did learn a good deal of theology. Along the way I had some very good conversations with some friends (namely Rick Hale and Steve Thompson) that have and still do study the Bible, both Old and New Testaments and gained some interesting perspectives. Now that I think about it, this may actually count as two resolutions, the second being learning something new. Sweet, a two-for! In any event, it really was a good read, a very long and typically dry (to me) read, but good; there’s lots of information and wisdom in the Bible. Now that I am done with this maybe I’ll start on The Book of Mormon, or perhaps The Quran (Yes, I own copies of both).
Monthly Archives: May 2010
Her First Recital
Tonight was Kylie’s first Ballet Recital, and we couldn’t be more proud of her! Kylie’s class was towards the end, so watching all the other kids perform their recitals (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop) was a nice treat but really just kept me in suspense. I have seen Kylie and her class do their routine before, but not in their costumes and under the lights on stage. When it was finally Kylie’s class’ turn they were amazing! You could tell they were excited to be on stage and were having a blast. Afterward we waited in the hall while Mommy went to check Kylie out (security with the children was very strict to ensure the safety of all the kids, I was very happy about this), and as soon as I saw her I ran up to her and gave her a big hug and kiss! I did not get to see her before she went into the back (due to security once she was checked in she was not aloud back out until after the show and only the parent who checked her in could check her out, additionally no one was aloud in the back except those in the recital and those working it) because she was so excited for her “becital” that she said she wanted to go back and be with her class, of course I got there just a few minutes after this. So I was very excited to see her and tell her how proud I was and how wonderful she did. She received a lot of flowers, and even though Daddy’s wasn’t the biggest bouquet (Daddy knew she was going to receive a lot of flowers, so he kept it simple) those were the only ones she wanted to hold. That made me feel very very special. After recital we (Kylie, Mommy, Daddy, Melissa, Aunt Sissy, and Mimi) all went to Stroh’s for some very yummy ice cream to celebrate. I am very proud of you Kylie, and love you more than words could ever express.
Soccer, day two
Today was the second day of soccer for the girls, and it was not as nice of a day as last week. This morning it was sprinkling the entire time the girls had practice and then their games. It didn’t seem to bother any of the children though. When Kylie was on the field she did great, always running after the ball and kicking at it when she could. We still need to work on her aggressiveness and willingness to get into the cluster and try to take the ball. When it was her turn to be off the field she stood under Daddy’s umbrella and wrapped a towel that Mommy had brought around herself to stay warm and dry off some. A couple of times Daddy skipped over to the field next to ours to check on Delaney and see how she was doing. After a shorter bought of her shyness she appeared to be having a blast as well. It was surprisingly a lot of fun even though we were standing in the rain. Due to the holiday (Memorial Day) there will be no soccer next week.
Ballet Class Photo
On Monday Tiffany got Kylie’s ballet picture and told me that it was super cute, but I had to wait until yesterday to see it when she brought it to Kylie’s doctor’s appointment; and it is totally cute! Kylie was so proud of it that she even showed her doctor yesterday! You can see a small version of it below, and if you click on it you can see a larger version in the gallery.
Pink Eye?
Got a phone call from Tiffany last night saying she wanted to take Kylie to the doctor today because she thinks she has pink eye; so that’s what we did today. Kylie’s eyes have been slightly red and watery for a day or two now, but we thought it was allergies (and it may still be, more on that in a minute), especially since both Mommy and Mimi have spring allergies and Kylie was just outside the other day for soccer. The allergy medicine had been helping Kylie sleep and seemed to be taming the discharge from her eyes and curbing her morning coughing, so we went with it. However, last night, Mommy noticed that the discharge from Kylie’s right eye had gone from clear to murky greenish color and her eye was redder than normal; hence the decision to go to the doctor today. When Kylie woke this morning her eye was pretty much crusted shut from the odd greenish discharge. This is usually a key sign that something is wrong with Kylie, ever since she was a baby her eyes have always been the key to determining when she was sick or not feeling well. As an infant she she had badly blocked tear ducts, and so now when her eyes get that odd green discharge we know something is typically wrong; it could be a head cold, an ear infection, even allergies, but it’s likely something. So the doctor checked her out today and at the time of her checkup she weighed 49.5 pounds and had no fever, her eyes, of course, were clear; although you could tell that the right one had previously been discharging. This is when the doctor told us that they typically treat conjunctivitis a little more aggressively than any other type of infection, and by that he means that when it comes to the eye and situations like this they will almost always prescribe some form of eye drop medication without a positive test for the infection. The reason being is that the only way to test is to swab the eye and send it off to the lab to see if any cultures grow, the process takes 3 days; so as opposed to waiting they choose to treat. So it is entirely possible that Kylie, in fact, does not have pink eye; but tonight she took her first drops with out issue. Actually she seems to enjoy it and thinks that it is funny when I drop them in.
First Day of Soccer
Today was the first day of soccer, and it was a blast! I got there right as Tiffany was getting ready to take a picture of Kylie in her new uniform (a reversible blue/white jersey with the Goal logo for designating teams) and was able to join the picture, which was a big surprise for Kylie because she hadn’t realized I was there yet. After a few minutes i then went over to see Chris, Tracey, Delaney and Madelyn because they were on a different field. At first the girls didn’t realize who I was, which is sad but considering I don’t see them any where near as often as I would like to also understandable. When the coaches called the teams together I went back over to watch Kylie and see how she did. For the first half hour the team practiced various drills, like dribbling and shooting into the goal and passing; for the last half hour they played their very first soccer match against another team. They would have half the team on the field at a time and rotate out so all the children would have time on the field. While Kylie was playing she had a blast and did fantastic! She went after the ball and stayed with it, she even got a trip in! 🙂 During one of her off times Uncle Chris, Aunt Tracey, Delaney and Madelyn came over; apparently Delaney was a little put off for the moment because soccer wasn’t what she thought it was going to be. In fact at one point she said “I know I would like soccer if I wasn’t so shy.” But after watching how much fun Kylie was having she decided to she wanted to go back and see how her team was doing, and what do ya know? she decided she wanted to play after all. Everyone ended up having a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to next week.
To All The Mom’s
Blessing in disguise
Today was supposed to be Kylie’s first day of soccer, but due to the massive amounts of rain we have been getting lately it was canceled. The school we are supposed to be playing at has there soccer field located out back, however it is in a low lying portion of the property. This means that there is the potential for soccer to be canceled even if it hasn’t rained since Thursday depending on how much rain we get. While it was disappointing that today’s soccer was canceled (we knew last night at around 9pm) it turned out to be a good thing for Kylie because of ballet. In addition to today being Kylie’s first day of soccer it was also the morning that her ballet class was having there pictures taken for rehearsal. All the kids across all the different classes at her dance academy all went to a professional photography studio and had, at the very least, a picture taken with their entire class (if everyone showed up of course) and if desired they also had individual portraits taken, while wearing their recital costume. Each class was given a schedule time slot and even though Kylie’s class was scheduled for 9am to 10am (soccer starts at 10am and goes to 11am) she did not get finished with pictures until almost 10:40am, and she was only there for the group picture. So as it turns out she would have missed the first day of soccer anyway even if it weren’t canceled. Hopefully the weather will be nicer for next weekend and then we can have our real first day of soccer.
Avatar: the Last Airbender Quiz
Which Avatar: the Last Airbender Nation do you best fit into?
Your Result: The Earth Kingdom
Congratulations! You are an inhabitant of the Earth Kingdom! The people of the Earth Kingdom pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and hard-working. They have a strong sense of duty. They are givers and are concerned about the welfare of others, especially the young and the old. They strive to be responsible and trustworthy. They have a strong work ethic and respect the rules and hierarchies of society. They are often prosperous and have great respect for the institutions of society. Their strength is in their diversity, drawing such strength from their ability to obtain different perspectives on life. They ultimately seek stability and are always prepared for the worst. At their best they are accepting, adaptable, agreeable, balanced, belonging, concerned, concrete, considerate, consistent, dependable, dignified, diplomatic, easy-going, forbearing, friendly, mediators, peaceful, prepared, prosperous, steadfast, supportive, thorough, and tolerant. At their worst they can be aimless, ambivalent, boring, conforming, dispirited, doubtful, downcast, dull, fatalistic, indifferent, lazy, leery, masochistic, monotonous, passive, permissive, pessimistic, reluctant, self-deprecating, stubborn, sluggish, uninvolved, and unmotivated. |
The Fire Nation |
The Water Tribe |
The Air Nomads |
Which Avatar: the Last Airbender Nation do you best fit into? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
She’s Gonna Be A Soccer Player
Kylie recently signed up to play soccer for a few weeks over the summer in a beginners soccer class and today Mommy picked up her new soccer gear (which you can see below, clicking will bring you to the gallery). Kylie will be playing in the 3 to 4 year old group and as an added bonus Cousin Delaney will also be in the same league. We don’t know if they will be on the same team but it will be cool that they are there none the less, and Daddy is looking forward to seeing his niece play just as much as he is looking forward to seeing Kylie play. I actually got a sneak peek of this because Mommy took a small video of Kylie “soccering” in the park across from their house, you can see it too here or find it on the videos page.
The soccer camp is being run by Goal Sports and they will be playing in Trenton on Saturday mornings from May through June. So it is a short session but hopefully will be enough for Kylie and Delaney to have fun, make friends, and decide if soccer is something they wish to pursue further. Additionally Goal Sports also has sessions for other activities as well, such as cheer leading and floor hockey, so maybe the girls will get to try other sports as well in the future.
Personally I hope Kylie does take a liking to sports and being active, she already enjoys her ballet and dance in general, so if we can add a sport to her list and maybe a musical instrument then I think that would be fantastic. She already has a guitar and seems to enjoy it, perhaps we should look in to when she can start taking lessons for that, maybe Daddy could even join in?