We took Kylie to the doctor again today… Yesterday Tiffany noticed that Kylie’s eyes were getting glassy, which is one of the ways we can tell when Kylie is starting to not feel well, and then last night Mimi noticed that Kylie was running a fever and that her throat was red again. So off we went to the doctor’s office today, and as it turns out Kylie has strep throat again, this makes the second time in a month and a half that she has come down with it. When the doctor checked her temperature in the office it was 100.4, everything else, however, was good. She weighed in today at 43.5 pounds which is up 1.5 pounds from here last office visit last month. The doctor prescribed her some amoxicillin, so hopefully she will be feeling better in a few days.
Monthly Archives: December 2009
Weight Update
Well I would have thought that I was going to lose more weight considering how sick I was! Weighed in at 287.8 this morning, which is a drop of 1 pound over the last two weeks. I guess I can’t really complain, I mean i’d rather lose a pound than gain a pound in any event. Now I just need to make sure the trend continues into the new year, might be tough with all the yummy left overs though.
Comment Alterations
I made a few changes to the way comments work on the site, not that many people leave comments though. 🙂 In an effort to help prevent Spam comments from getting added to old posts, in addition to the spam software running on the back end, I have decided to close comments on posts older than 14 days. This means that if a post was published more than 14 days in the past the ability to comment on that post will be turned off. In addition I have enabled the use of Gravatar’s for comments, this will allow for people’s gravatars to be displayed if they leave a comment using there gravatar address. Additionally I have enabled nested comments in the event that one commenter replies to another. These changes were also retroactive and have gone back and been applied to all comments on the site. A good post to view to see all of these changes is this one.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to Everyone!
Thankfully Melissa and I are feeling much better today, still don’t think I am at 100% but I am doing a lot better than I was the other day. Kylie had a good morning with Mommy and showed me all the nice things she got, like her new Barbie house and her many new books. When we came back to Daddy’s house she got to open even more presents! She was real happy with her new Leapster 2 and all the new Littlest Pet Shop toys she got. She got lots of new clothes at both Mommy and Daddy’s house as well, and I know she is happy with her new wardrobe. She even got a new Disney Princess Scooter like the one in the picture, but Daddy will need to put that together first. She was real happy when she opened that one up because as she said “I always wanted a scooter!”
I am very happy to say that dinner turned out really good! The ham was very flavorful and tender, and the sweet potatoes were baked and mashed to perfection. Melissa’s pumpkin pie turned out excellent and was the perfect dessert to finish off a very good dinner.
After dinner Kylie wanted to play with here new Littlest Pet Shop Cozy Care Adoption Center, and let me say, getting all the pieces out of the box was a lot more difficult than it should have been! In addition she got a number of new Littlest Pets to go along with what she already had, Daddy didn’t realize how many that was. It was fun watching her play and enjoy her new toys!
I think this turned out to be a great Christmas Day! Now though it is time for bed, we’ll leave the cleaning and de-decorating for another day!
Perfect Timing
This is shaping up to have the potential to be a very miserable Christmas. As of last night I have a pretty bad case of some type of flu. I haven’t been this sick in a very long time. I even had to have Tiffany come and get Kylie I am so sick. So not only am I feeling like crap, but I also miss out on time with Kylie. 🙁 I really hope Kylie doesn’t end up catching whatever I have. On top of that I think Melissa has it too. I can’t be certain, but I suspect I caught something when I went to Bronner’s earlier this week. I just hope I get better before Christmas so I can spend a nice day with Kylie and Melissa (she has to work this year, so she isn’t going back to her parents house), I even planned to make a nice dinner; ham, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, and Melissa was going to make a pumpkin pie. -sigh- I really hope I get better soon.
A Day at Bronner’s
In a rare occurrence Melissa and I both had the day off today, so we decided to take a trip up to Frankenmuth to go to Bronner’s. Neither of us had been up there in quite a while, so we decided that seeing as we had nothing else planned, and an entire day available, that we would take the ride up and look around. We picked up a few new Christmas ornaments (big surprise considering they are the worlds largest Christmas store) but mainly just walked around the store for over three hours, and still didn’t see everything. After we were done there we actually drove down into Frankenmuth to see the town, I think I would like to go back up there in the early fall to see the leaves change and actually walk around. Afterward we went to Tony’s Restaurant off I-75 in Birch Run, the food is delicious, the portions are huge, the service is great, and the atmosphere is fun. We had a very nice day, and it was even nicer because we actually got to go out and do something rather than just sit at home.
Hitch Cover
I like that I am buying this truck because now I feel like I am allowed to do things to personalize it without feeling like it’s pointless. Case in point, today I bought a cover for my trailer hitch that also acts as an additional brake light. The best part about it is that it is a Skull! Here are a couple of pictures of it, the dark one was taken with my cell phone so the quality is low, but you get the idea of what it looks like when it is lit up. You can also see the locking hitch pin I bought to ensure someone can’t simply walk off with whatever I have attached to the hitch.
Missed Weigh In
I realized about 20 minutes ago that I forgot to weigh in this morning, so I guess I will have to wait until next week to see how I am doing. Here’s hoping for good results next week.
This is a Good Sign
This seems to be going well; I weighed in at 288.8 this morning which is a drop of 1.4 lbs. I am sure it is due to all the walking I did while out in Philadelphia, which is just more of an indication that I need to find ways to be (more) active.It’s not even the being active that’s the problem, it’s finding the time and motivation that is the hardest part for me. -sigh-
That’s Annoying
So the DR failed… The part that bothers me the most is we are not sure why. For some reason we were not seeing the restore speeds that we expected. Building the TSM server was easy, and is almost becoming routine. I had all the tapes in the library before the system was ready, once the system was properly configured and handed over to me I had TSM rebuilt and up and running in under four hours. I had a few issues that I quickly troubleshot and got resolved, but we still didn’t stream from the tapes as fast as we have in the past. At one point I realized the restore wasn’t streaming from multiple sessions; after i fixed that we got some increase in restore speed, but nothing like we expected. I know the nature of this data (millions of small files) tends to cause slow backups and restores, but we have seen much better speeds in the past. I know i will be pondering this for some time to come.