Pictures that needed to be added into Kylie’s gallery. These can be found in the August 2009 album (08-15-2009 and 08-29-2009) and the October 2009 album (10-12-2009). The ones from the August 29th are the first few of many to come from the day of the Renaissance Festival, these first few happen to be of us having break fast at IHOP before going to the festival. I have no idea when I am going to get to those pictures as the ones I took are still on my camera and I have not even looked at the ones from Melissa’s camera yet (though she has at least gotten hers off her camera). In any event this has been a very productive week in terms of things getting done on the site. Guess I hit some type of web work flourish, it’s been kind of nice…
Monthly Archives: October 2009
Two More
Just finished adding two more (older) videos of Kylie to the videos page; they are 2008-12-05 7:21 PM and 2009-01-13 6:57 PM. These are in avi format because I needed to rotate them landscape view to portrait view. They load a little differently than the others, but converting them back to mpg format could result in quality loss, and seeing as they were taken on a cell phone that is already pretty low.
One Point Two
Weighed in this morning at 284.6 for a loss of 1.2 pounds this week. Nothing staggering but it’s always better to lose than to gain. I still need to be more active, but apparently I am doing better. It’s still encouraging to know that I can get back on track if I am more vigilant about what I eat and taking advantage of little exercise I have the ability to get.
A Few Videos
I added a few older videos tonight and they can be find on the videos page. For simplicity the new ones that got added are:
There are at least 3 others that I have to post as well, but i need to figure out how to rotate a video 90 degrees so they are viewable at the proper angle.
More Pictures
I just added more pictures to Kylie’s Year 5 Gallery. Now all the pictures that I currently have for the month of September are up and ready for viewing. I still have to go through all the pictures we took when we went to the Renaissance Festival (I haven’t even gotten them off the camera yet 🙁 ) I also have some videos to try and upload and some more audio files as well (not necessarily voice mails as now I can record conversations with Kylie too).
Post Time
I finally got around to adding a small tweak that I have been meaning to implement for a long time now; the post time. Now under each post title it shows the time the post was written in addition to the date and the categories that the post was filled under. The rest of the post information (i.e. comments and tags) are still displayed as normal. I should also note that some time ago the post print function moved from the main view and is now only seen on in the individual post page (which is accessible for any post by clicking on the post title).
I Was Really Behind
I am finally getting around to catching up on website related work. New pictures have long been overdue and I discovered that not only do I have new recent photos I have some new ones going all the way back to May! Here are the new pictures that went into Kylie’s Year 4 gallery:
And here are the new pictures that went into Kylie’s Year 5 gallery:
There are still more to come, but I have already been working on this for many hours today. Hopefully I will get the rest up soon, as I also have a few videos to go up as well.
Two Tenths
That’s what I have lost over the last week, two tenths of a pound; my current weight is 285.8. I guess it is better than gaining two tenths of a pound, but it’s still not very good. I am not really sure what to do about this situation. I am still trying to find more time to try and be active, but with everything else going on it is just so difficult. I guess this has always been my weak point though, finding the time and the motivation to do the things I know I need to, at least when it comes to this. I need to try harder, be more vigilant, be stronger.
One Year Anniversary
One year ago today was born in after the idea came to me after coming across the image that is now the header image of this site. A lot has changed behind the scenes in the last year, but most noticably is the layout of the site. The original announcement for the release of the new site from a year ago can be found here. I wonder what the next year will bring?
C is for cookie
Tonight Kylie and Melissa made some Pillsbury spooky cat sugar cookies. Melissa was at the store the other day and saw them and thought it would be fun for her and Kylie to do something together, so tonight they made them. Kylie had a blast laying the cookies on the cookie sheet and spending some time in the kitchen. We don’t do much baking of any kind here so this was also the first time we used the Calphalon cookie sheet I bought like three years ago. I find that amusing. The cookies were very yummy and Kylie was very proud and happy that she got to help. I even remembered to snap the above picture of the cookies before we ate them all (there was 24 in the pack). Hopefully this is something we will do more of over the cooler months, perhaps we could even make some from scratch?