Today Kylie, Melissa, and I all went out to Holly MI to go to the Renaissance Festival that is held there annually. It was Kylie and mines second time going (though Kylie doesn’t remember her first time because she was only 2 months old) and Melissa’s first time, so we were all looking forward to going. Once we got there Kylie started looking around and commenting on all the people in different outfits and shops. She especially like the two people walking around in a giant knight and a giant horse costume. She was even more excited when she got to give them each a high five. Melissa and I really enjoyed looking around at all the shops, even though we couldn’t buy anything. We all enjoyed the jousting tournament and Kylie really enjoyed cheering for “our Blue Knight.” Melissa and I each took a good number of pictures, and hopefully I will get them added to the gallery sooner than later. We are all looking forward to going back next year as well.
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Up Another Pound :(
Weighed in at 277 this morning, clearly not having the money to buy proper groceries (i.e. fruits and vegetables) is not helping my weight loss efforts. I try to walk at least one mile a day (normally on my lunch break) but I need to find a way to increase that so I can get more activity as well, it would also help if I could find time to start using the Wii Fit again. Time has always been an issue and i can see I am really going to have to find a way around this.
Weight Update
Well it’s Wednesday, which means it’s weigh in day. This morning I weighed in at 276, up 2.8 pounds from last week. The lack of going to meetings and having a group to talk to is really showing. While I think it would clearly be beneficial to join the next weight watchers at work meeting (starting some time in September) I still don’t think I will have the money (the current rumor is that it will be another 13 week session for $150). I still need to find the time to get more exercise, but how do you find more time in the day?
Videos Page is Up, and some other additions
After many hours of work this weekend I am happy to announce that the videos page is finally up! It can be found along the top navigation section next to the Voice Mails page. I know I have talked about getting this page up for a very long time, and though it is not exactly how I had pictured it, I do like how it turned out.
In addition I also added some messages to the voice mail page. I am hoping to go back through and add details to the voice mails (two already have them) like with the videos, but I honestly don’t know when that will happen.
Also, a few pictures have been added into the gallery, mainly in Kylie’s year 5 album, but also a few others scattered through out as well.
New Voicemails
I just added one new voicemail and one recorded conversation to the Voice Mails page and I also updated a third. I am hoping to go back through the page and add comments or desciptions to the voicemails. If I remember that ones was left for a particular reason i will also add that. I am still working on trying to get videos uploaded and a page configured for that too, but it is late now, so I am going to bed.
Chopsticks Are Easy
I just received a text message from Tiffany saying Kylie can use chopsticks better than she can and Tiffany didn’t teach her. I too have never taught Kylie how to use chopsticks, my theory is that she taught herself how to use them by watching others use them. Tonight they are dining at BD’s Mongolian Barbecue to celebrate Aunt Sissy’s graduation from college (Congratulations to Aunt Sissy!) and I suspect that she has been watching others use them tonight and simply picked up on the way to use them. In any event this is pretty fantastic and I love that she picks up on how to perform actions so quickly.
The Weekly Weigh In
I woke up this morning and headed to the scale for my first weigh in that would hopefully indicate that I am losing weight outside of my weight watchers group. After stepping on and closing my eyes for a second, I finally looked down to see that I weigh 273.2 pounds which is a drop of 1.8 pounds from last week. Not a bad way to start off my 31st birthday!
Last Ballet Class
Today was Kylie’s last ballet class and because I am on vacation this week, i was able to make it down to see her last class. Her and her classmates performed a 1 minute 30 second routine for all the parents that where there to show what that had learned and accomplished during the past eight weeks. I was able to take a successful video of this routine and I hope to get it up on the site soon. Tiffany has signed Kylie up for the next ballet session because Kylie has really enjoyed the past eight weeks and has asked to continue. At the end of this next session there will be an actual recital with costumes at a local school. I can’t wait to see how she does!
I did not know that
My Political Views
I am a center-left moderate social libertarian
Left: 2.62, Libertarian: 2.33
Political Spectrum Quiz
Close Encounters of the Squirrel Kind
Apparently the squirrels on EMU’s campus are very tame and used to people, as this little guy came right up and sniffed my hand. In fact, he was so close that I can tell you with certainty that squirrels have a wet nose, just like dogs. This was taken at this morning after I dropped Kylie off at day care.