Readable Font Color

A while ago, when I first redesinged the site, I knew i had to change the font color so the site would be more readable. I spent some time trying to figure out how to change the CSS, but being as I am not very good with those, I didn’t get to far.  I was able to make a few small changes that did help the site mold towards what I wanted, but just couldn’t find the font color setting. Then, as time went by, it fell off my plate and I forgot about trying to make it a better color. Then Mom sent me an email the other day reminding me that it was difficult to read. Having reinspired me to find out how to fix this, I did some more in depth research and, as can clearly be seen, figured out how to change the font color.  Now everything should be easier to read. Thanks Mom for reminding me to fix this.

Michcon Repair

Last week I got a letter in the mail from Michcon, which is my gas supplier, stating that they needed to come out and repair my gas meter and that i should call them at the listed number to arrange a time. I called them and set the time for today, but honestly I had forgotten about it. While I was on the phone with the person setting the appointment I asked what the problem was, to which she replied she didn’t know only that the meter had been flagged as having an issue.

Fast forward to today at about 10:30am. I am sitting at work when my phone rings and the caller ID shows a number I am not familliar with. I answer and it turns out to be the guy from Michcon. He says “As I am sure you are aware of, your meter was broken and I have just finished replacing all of the gears. This should allow the meter to read correctly and you will notice new starting numbers on your bill.” To which I replied, “Oh, was that the issue? Honestly we did not know as we have not used the heat yet this winter and that is all our gas is used for.” This got a few seconds of silience to which the repair guy then replies, “Oh. Well maybe I just did all that for nothing then. Your meter was flagged as broken because the meter reader noticed the numbers had not changed for a few months.”

Ahh…needless work. What makes this funnier is that when I was on the phone making the appointment I had told the woman that we had not used our heat yet, and as such where unaware of any problem with our gas. I wonder how may service calls could be avoided if they asked questions (or listened to information freely given) first?

Gallery Additions

I finally got around to adding more pictures into the gallery. More specifically I added Kylie’s December pictures, I also added her Day Care class photo, some pictures of Kylie painting a ceramic Santa, and the rest of the pictures of the frozen window [post]. I am pretty sure this brings all the pictures I have to the site. As usual, if and when I get more they will eventually be added to the site. At least I am all caught up before the years is over though.

This is so true

Anyone who has worked in retail, especially on the days after Christmas and Thanksgiving has been at work and wanted to say this to at least one customer:

After Holiday Customers

After Holiday Customers

Click the image to be taken to the original.

Iced Window

We haven’t turned the heat on in the apartment yet this winter, other than for a few minutes to make sure it was working and remember which vents the heat comes out, but it has not dropped below 64 degrees in here (and only once that low, normally it has been hovering around 67). When we have gotten cold we have just put on a warmer shirt or used a light blanket while sitting on the couch. I am not sure how much, but I know this has saved us a good bit of money so far this year.

That being said, today I was sitting in bed reading a book when I heard what sounded like water dripping, but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Then Princess jumped up into the window and started acting a little odd. I noticed she kept pulling her paw back and shaking it like it was wet, so I got up and went to take a look. What I saw was rather shocking:

That is Ice, and water from melting ice, on the inside of my bedroom window. Earlier in the day I had noticed frost on the inside of my kitched window, but this is actual ice build up on the lower portion of the window.  Last year in preperation for winter we had put plastic up over this window, and when we took it down in the spring I found mold on the windowsill and the paint pealing. I had no idea why this had happened, but I think I have finally figured it out.

I called the mangement office and made them aware of this situation and they told me to just chip the ice away. The woman I spoke to in the office (Kelly) said that the windows are old and tend to not be sealed all the way, she also stated that she has been trying to get corporate to replace the windows, but considering how corporat works this hasn’t been done yet.

I took the above pictures, along with a few others, as a sort of insurance plan to make sure that when the water damage on the window sill comes into question when i move it (whenever that is) I can say “Wait a minute, I pointed this out.”

Childhood Holiday Memory

As Christmas gets nearer, and I find myself once again enjoying putting up decorations, I also find myself thinking of my younger days. This time of year my parents (mainly my Mother) would put up our Christmas tree and of course I (and my Brother Chris when he was home) would help hang the ornaments. While I don’t seem to have any vivid memories of hanging the ornaments them selves, as I sit here stairing at my Christmas tree one memory does keep coming to mind. When I was younger I used to love looking at our Christmas tree, but not in the normal stand back and glance fashion. I used to love to lay on my back with my head underneath the tree and look up into it from the inside. I don’t know why, but I used to love to do this and I remember that I would just stay there for seemed like hours, I even remember playing my Game Boy under there. Though I haven’t done this yet this year, and don’t think I will, it is a very vivid and pleasing memory from my child hood.

National Debt

As we approach the end of Bush error and prepare to enter a time of change, I found myself contemplating the vast waste of money that the Bush administration has caused. According to this graph Debt Historywhich I found at the U.S. National Debt Clock web site, over the last 8 years that the Bush administration has been in office the National Debt has risen by over 50%.

In September 2008, the digital dollar sign was eliminated to make way for an extra digit—the “1” in $10 trillion (the national debt is currently $10.2 trillion). Now, a new clock is in the works that will make room for a quadrillion dollars of debt, according to the Associated Press. Anticipated completion is early 2009.  <U.S. News><Wall Street Journal>

I think, that not only is it obvious, but it is also necessary that this great nation has a change, not just of leadership (though that is extremely needed) but also of focus. I truly hope that Obama brings forth all the change he promised and implied, because we need it now more than ever.

Star Wars Jerseys

Seriously? How sweet are these? Star Wars sports jerseys featuring charters from the movies.  Like Vader’s football jersey:

Vader Jersey

Click for larger view

Not that I am a die hard Star Wars fan, or even a huge sports fan, but these are awesome. Boba Fett’s basketball jersey is pretty sweet too. The Assassins jersey can be seen below.

Click for larger view

Click for larger view

I found them through this

article which links to the Cargo Bay store that has a lot of different Star Wars jerseys; Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, and Football, all with Star Wars names and teams. Though thye would make awesome gifts, they are a little on the pricey side. For instance the Vader jersey shown here costs $110.00, but is most likely well worth it. The description from the Cargo Bay store for this jersey reads:

Be one of the first to own Darth Vader’s Sith Lord TIE Fighter team jersey! This long sleeve black Vader football jersey is made of heavy cotton and is part of the Drew Pearson’s Saga Collection. The jersey sports the number “77” in felt appliqué with red stitching and Vader’s name on the back in cotton panel with tackle twill letters. The sleeves contain two heavy cotton cut and sew white stripes as well as heavy cotton cut and sew elbow pads. The front of the jersey includes the number “77” in felt appliqué with red stitching, the Star Wars logo and woven team felt patch with embroidered team name.

Yeah, that’d be pretty sweet. Ok, maybe I’m just a dork, but still they are pretty sweet.

More tree decorations

Tonight Kylie and I added the ornaments that Nana sent us to our Christmas tree. All the ornaments were made by Nana during her various craft phases and look very pretty on the tree. In addition to these ornaments Daddy went out last night and got a tree topper that resembles an old fashioned Santa Claus and a nice red tree skirt. In addition we also got a few storage containers to help store all our new Christmas decorations and our tree. Not only have I rediscovered my fondness for old fashioned Santa’s but decorating the Christmas tree for the first time with my daughter has made me enjoy Christmas decorations again as well.

Holiday Portraits

We went to Sears today and had Kylie’s Christmas pictures taken. We are a little behind this year, so I do not think we are going to be able to have them sent out with Christmas cards. We will still be able to have one of the pictures as the card though as I was able to get the entire sitting on disk today, which was nice because we normally don’t get it until we pick up the actual portraits. I am not going to put the portraits up on the site yet, but I will at a later time. I will say, however, that they came out very well.