Night Terrors

Tonight, for the first time I can remember, I went to a haunted house. Every year Wiard’s Orchard hosts Night Terrors, a collection of haunted houses and hayride. Tonight Melissa and I went and checked it out. It was pretty neat for the most part. Some of the attractions were pretty cool, and at least one was pretty stupid. The haunted Hay Ride was nice, and it made me realise that Wiard’s is a much bigger place than I realized. A lot of work was clearly put into all of these haunted attractions, and even though I do not scare or startle easy, it was still a lot of fun. I am not sure if I would do it again though, as it was a little on the pricey side. In any event it was a pretty fun night.

Kylie Rides Her Tricycle

A while back Papa and Grandma Jen bought Kylie a big red tricycle with a wagon and today Kylie rode it for the first time while actually pushing the peddles. Grandma Jen was nice enough to take a video with her phone and send it to me to watch, and I have to say it is really cute. Eventually I plan on making a page for the videos I have (all from phones, so they are small) like I did with the voice mails. Until then you will have to take my word on it. 🙂

Back from Philly, Again

Another DR test in Philly has come an end. This one was rather interesting for a number of reasons. First off we had never performed a DR for this particular TSM environment, so we had no documentation on how the environment should be recovered. Chuck and I pretty much had to modify some existing documents we had for our ADV environment on the fly. Things went much better than we anticipated, and even though we only had two hours to rebuild the environment, which we figured was about four hours to little, we still managed to make it pretty far into the recovery and learned a lot. Secondly, we only had two hours because we had some issues with the AIX MKSYSB tape not arriving from Ireland until Tuesday the 7th, when we needed it Monday the 6th. Due to this we actually got to take two hours on Tuesday and tour The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. It is currently undergoing restoration of the outside, but the inside was amazing. I took a lot of photos with my camera phone, and will get them up as soon as I can. I really would like to go back and do thhis tour again with my good camera and retake some pictures for a couple of reasons. One, they would be much better quality, and two I would actually be able to take more because it would focus and snap faster. I wish I had the time, connections, and opportunity to pursue joining the Masons as it is something I have thought about off and on for a long time now. Maybe sometime in the future.

My New Neice

Congratulations to my Brother Wayne and his girlfriend Maria on the birth of their new little girl, Sophia Korrine born earlier today.  She was 8lbs 2oz and 20 inches. Here are some pictures of Sophia and the proud new father:


Wayne and his first child, daughter Sophia

Some New Pictures

I have uploaded some more pictures to the gallery. Mainly the ones I took in PA on my last trip, but there were some other random pictures too. None from Wiard’s yet though, I still need to process them.