Today was a very exciting day for us. Around 8:40 pm Kylie came up to Mommy and wanted to put on her new Dora underwear. She said “On Mommy.” Then she proceeded to take off her diaper and tried to put them on but she needed help so Tiffany helped her put them on. Then Kylie said, “show baby,” meaning she wanted to show her reflection her underwear. Tiffany helped her step up on her stool and Kylie looked in the mirror. Tiffany then told Kylie that if she wanted to wear her new underwear she should try to go potty on the big girl potty. Kylie said okay and Tiffany put her on the toilet where she kicked and played like normal and then asked for a wipe. Tiffany went to get a wipe for her and while she was walking back heard a noise that sounded a lot like someone going pee. So Tiffany stuck her head in the door with a great big smile and asked, “Did you go pee-pee?” and Kylie looked back with a great big smile and said “Yeah.” To which Tiffany replied with “you’re so big! Mommy is so proud of you!!” Kylie then responded by saying, “big girl” with a huge grin on her face then said, “hug?” which of course Tiffany gave her a huge hug and kiss. 🙂 Tiffany was so proud of her (and Daddy is too!) and happy that she did it, and Kylie was so proud and happy for herself. She kept kicking her feet and giggling.
Monthly Archives: September 2007
Pictures, and lots of them
I finally have gotten all of the pictures that I have laying around up and into the site. This includes all of Kylie’s Year 3 pictures to date, the images of Bethlehem Cemetery, and pictures of my Vulcan. I am currently going through images that I have found to see if they are up on the site already or not, and I think most of them if not all of them are, so this update should now bring everything fully up to date. It’s about time too!
Potty Training, Sort of
Kylie has been expressing a lot more interest in using the toilet lately, and by that I mean she actually asks to use the potty. At which point we will place her on the toilet on her little seat and she will sit there for a while before stating she is done. In addition she is becoming more aware of herself and the going to the bathroom process. It is no unusual for her to go off to a secluded corner with a toy or book for a while and then miraculously need to be changed. As such, Tiffany wanted to see what would happen if Kylie were to wear normal underwear. So today we picked up some Dora the Explorer underwear for her and when they got home Tiffany asked Kylie if she wanted to try wearing a pair of them instead of a diaper. Kylie agreed and the experiment began, and in Tiffany’s words here is the result:
After dinner, she wanted to use the potty, so I sat her there and asked if she wanted to try on her underwear. She put them on with my help and at first said “nylons.” I explained that they are called underwear. She said, “oh, underwear.” So I decided to let her wear them for a little while to see what she would do if she had an accident. Well, we were in the living room and she wanted to watch Cinderella. Well, Mimi put on Sleeping Beauty since it was in the VCR. So, Kylie was standing on the floor next to Mimi who was sitting on the couch. She was there for a few minutes and then came over to me and wanted up. As I was picking her up I felt that her leg was wet. Since she had her milk in her hand, I thought it may be condensation. It wasn’t. She had an accident and didn’t say a word or even act like it bothered her. So, we went into the bathroom and cleaned up and put on a pull-up. So, we were looking around the floor to see where she leaked at and she just so happened to pee into Mimi’s slipper. That is the only place it landed. It was pretty funny.
So I guess Kylie is not quite ready yet to go without a diaper, so we will just have to continue on and let her go at her own pace. It is good that she is showing interested in the toilet however, and we have informed her day care of this and they have noted it and let Kylie sit on the toilet there as well.