I know I have been back in Burnsville now for going on a month and I have yet to put the new pictures up. I am sorry, but I have been real busy with work and on the weekends that I have not been working the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer for hours on end. I have finally gotten around to tacking the pictures off of my camera and getting them to my laptop, now I just need to prepare them for the site, upload them, and label all of them. This is going to take a lot of time and unfortunately will not be done before the first of the year. As it stands right now I have 367 pictures from when I was home for Thanksgiving, including many of Kylie and Delaney playing together. I am sure I will end up having even more after the New Year as I will be home for a few extra days for the holidays. I will try and get them all taken care of and up as soon as possible.
Daily Archives: 12/16/2006
That’s what Tiffany woke up to this morning. For the first time instead of getting fussy and crying when she woke up, Kylie simply stood up in her crib and called out “Mom!” Tiffany said that at first she thought that she must be hearing things, and then a few seconds later she heard it again, “Mom!” Kylie was awake and calling for her, and even though it was a little early and Tiffany would have loved a few more minutes sleep, she was very happy that Kylie called for her.