A lot of walking

Today we decided to take it easy and just have a nice relaxing day. We started off by going out to Dearborn to visit a craft store that Mom has ordered some things from in the past. She was just curious to see the place and it turned out to be a neat little craft store. Although no one bought anything it was still a nice little adventure. After this we decided to go walk around the Ikea in Canton. All I can say is this place is huge! There was a lot of nice stuff to see and they display it nicely in the showroom. I am positive that there are things that I did not see. I really liked how they had displays up that showed how you could live in X amount of square feet. At least twice i found myself saying something to the effect of “I wouldn’t want to live in a place this small, but if I had and I could set it up like this, I think i could do it.” I used to not understand what the big hype about this place was, I actually know people who drove all the way to Chicago just to go to Ikea and I never understood why. But after seeing this place I kind of do, I am not saying I would drive that far for a store, but for some people I understand why they do. In any case, this is definitely a store i will be visiting again.

Happy Birthday Kylie

Today is Kylie’s birthday! Happy first birthday Kylie! Though we had her party last Saturday, today is the day she turns 1 year old! It is hard to believe that a year has already gone by and that she has gotten so big. It has been a very exciting and eventful year in her life. She has grown and accomplished so much. Some of the milestones she has hit this year include (in no particular order):

  • Rolling over
  • Crawling
  • Walking
  • Climbing
  • Talking
  • Gaining 4 teeth
  • Partially feeding herself

For a more in depth look at some of the things that have occurred in Kylie’s first year, read through her archive.