The pictures from the New York trip are up and in the gallery. They can be found here, or through the gallery hierarchy under Trips.
Monthly Archives: May 2006
Some pictures arrive
I put up (some of) Kylie’s eleven month pictures today. They can be found in the gallery in their rightful place. I say some because the rest will appear in the New York trip set once I get them up. I am hoping to have them up by the end of the week, as I am working on them when ever I have time and am awake to do so. When they are up I will announce it.
Melissa and Jason’s wedding yesterday was beautiful! The weather held out and it was a nice calm day for their outdoor wedding. Melissa looked absolutely beautiful and so did all of her brides maids, especially Tiffany and Theresa! I had a blast taking pictures with my new camera (I was even offered an apprenticeship by the professional photographer, who interestingly enough admitted that I had a better camera than he did), and dancing with all the ladies. When all was said and done I took almost 400 pictures, now I need to find the time to get them off the camera, labeled, and onto a CD for them. I have at least a week to get this done though. I have not decided if I am going to place all of those pictures up on the site yet or not, I will see how I feel when I get them all off and taken care of.
When all was said and done, the camera performed even better than I could have hoped. I am giving serious consideration to taking the photographer up on his offer. Though I would have to spend some money on a few things, it may well be worth the investment in the long run. It was a lot of fun and could always be a potential fall back career along with a potentially lucrative side business. Perhaps I can get some more information from Tim, considering he is a professional photographer too, I am sure he would be able to give me some insight.
Congratulations Melissa and Jason!
May the saddest days of your future be only as sad as the happiest days of your past!
We wish you nothing but happiness and love in your future lives together!
Love Ed, Tiffany and Kylie!
Where has the time gone?
Today marks Kylie’s 11th month, which means that in just one short month she will be a year old! Where has the time gone? It seems like just the other day she came into this world and made our lives a much happier place. My how the time does fly!
Let’s see what has happened this month in Kylie’s life?
- She had her first pancake on April 23
- Followed by real blueberries on April 24
- And a new car seat on April 25
- We all lost a very Great man on April 28 and had a few real hard days thereafter.
- She then got sick for the first time, and had to visit the ER, also for the first time.
- Kylie also started using a new word at a perfect time!
- She then endured the second of two very long trips in a short amount of time with her usual grace and charm.
- And on May 13 we discovered that another tooth had come through.
Though it may not have seemed like a lot, this has been a pretty busy month for Kylie and all of us. In addition to all of the above she continues to walk better and display more of her own personality on a daily basis. She also continues to show that she understands more of what we say, and that she is also learning “right” from “wrong” as far as things go around the apartment. (In other words she knows that she is not supposed to play with certain things and when she starts to and we say her name, she knows why and stops doing what she shouldn’t be, like playing with/reaching for the sprockets on Daddy’s bike.)
I do not have this month’s pictures ready to go up yet, and with the wedding being tomorrow I am sure they will not be up then either. I will try and get that taken care of as soon as possible, and will announce when they are up. (This also includes all of the pictures that were taken when we were in New York.)
A new toy
For a while now I have been contemplating getting a laptop. A laptop is one of the only types of computers (PC) that I have yet to own. I have been looking around and pricing them and from what I have found the type of system I am looking for (a desktop replacement) configured to my standards was going to run me somewhere in the area of US $1,900. In addition to this I have also been pining for a new digital camera. Then i was even considering getting both at the same time, potential through Dell, and just paying it off with left over income tax refund money and then slowly paying off the remainder.
Well today I finally made my decision, and picked up a brand new Canon Digital Rebel XT from Circuit City! I have been drooling over this camera for a very long time now, and considering that I have the 35mm version (I have the EOS 500), I have had my heart set on it. I was able to get the camera, a new bag, memory card, and a 2 year warranty for roughly US $1,300, which is about US $600 less than what my laptop would have cost. On top of the financial savings I also came to the conclusion that I will use the digital camera a lot more than I would use the laptop. (For proof of this just look at the gallery)
Tomorrow will be the first day that I actually use the camera as it is Melissa and Jason’s wedding. I anticipate taking a lot of pictures and am looking forward to the cameras ability to take black and white pictures and its ability to take 3 frames-per-second with a 14 frame burst, not to mention that it can turn on and be ready to shoot in .2 seconds!
I will be sure to post some information Ion how I like using my new toy sometime after the wedding.
Another tooth!
Today Tiffany informed me that Kylie has another new tooth coming through, this time it is on the top and in the front. It is the front top right tooth (left if your looking at Kylie) and it has just started to break through the gum. This will be Kylie’s third tooth as her bottom two have been through for a few weeks now.
[Edit: 5/14/2006]
When I awoke this afternoon (I worked last night) to watch Kylie while Tiffany went to work, I had the opportunity to bravely stick my finger into Kylie’s mouth, and I was able to feel the tooth! Right where Tiffany said it was, it is just barely out of the gum so we will have to watch for it to fully come out. I don’t think I ever would have thought that teeth could be this exciting! 🙂
Long, long trip
Well we made it home last night some time around 10 – 10:30pm after a very long and stressful car ride. The trip took us between 13 and 13 1/2 hours, even though we were on track to make it in 10 hours. Everything was going fine until we hit Canada. Some how we ended up getting turned around on the 403 and were going east instead of west. I woke up from a nap while Tiffany was driving to find that we were in a bit of a traffic jam and moving kind of slow, so we started to talk and what not, when one of us noticed that we were going east. I knew this had to be wrong and so I pulled out our little travel map thing from AAA and sure enough we were heading in the wrong direction. After getting off the 403 and then getting back on going in the right direction we got to hit traffic going the other way. It turns out that there was something weird going on with the 403/QEW where it didn’t actually tell you a direction, it just gave you names of places. So instead of the sign saying 403 west and give you a city name it just said 403 towards city name. After we figured this out it was still confusing because where we were it looked like we were still going in the wrong direction (based off city names) when we were actually going in the correct direction. Another thing that was odd was that the sign on the road said QEW and 403, so after going through all this and eventually getting to just the 403 West, I can only assume that this is Canada’s way of saying your on the QEW and it will get you to the 403. In any event we made it back to Michigan just fine. Kylie, as usual, was a perfect angel and did not fuss at all. She merely contented herself to play in her seat and nap, only fussing when we were almost home, but that is fine considering she spent the better part of 13 hours in her car seat and it was way past her bed time. We are so lucky to have such a happy and well behaved child.
A new word
A lot of things have been going on during this last week, and as such this almost got over looked. This week while out here in NY, Kylie has picked up a new word, “Nana“. This has become the word that she uses to refer to my Mother, her Grand Mother. Before this week she did not use this word, and since we got out here she has been using it to refer to her Grand Mother. She will say “Nana” and look right at my Mom, and when she holds Kylie, Kylie will repeatedly say “Nana” in a very excited tone and bounce in her Grand Mother’s arms. We are very happy that Kylie has chosen now to start using this word.
A few hours in the ER
Kylie has been sick the past few days; she has vomited twice (something she has never done before) and has had a lot of diarrhea, which is also not common for her; and with the upcoming return trip to MI, Tiffany was worried about her being dehydrated. So I finally agreed that we should go ahead and go to the ER. So we went up to Albany Medical Center’s ER last night, and let me say that I was not very impressed. They got us into triage rather quickly and then over to the pediatric unit in short order, which was nice, but that is pretty much where the good stuff ended and my patience ran out.
We were in the pediatric waiting room for about five minutes when Kylie needed to have her diaper changed again. It was at this point that Tiffany realized that for some reason we did not have any wipes in the diaper bag. So I went to the pediatric nurse’s station to ask for a few, explaining that Kylie had soiled her diaper and we did not have any. At this point the nurse stated that they did not have any as they used washcloths and that she would gladly bring me some into the waiting area. So I returned to the waiting area and informed Tiffany and so we waited, for five minutes. Thankfully this whole time Kylie was an angel and did not fuss as she lay on a table waiting to be changed. I then decided that enough was enough and went and found a bathroom and returned with some damp paper towels so we could clean Kylie up and change her. To make a long story shorter thirty five minutes, two soiled diapers and two trips to a bathroom to get damp paper towels later we were called into the pediatric unit…the nurse never brought us any washcloths.
They did some basic checks on Kylie and told me what I already knew; Kylie had a stomach bug and was moderately dehydrated. After she drank a bottle of a pedialyte and nursed, I went and told the nurse we wanted to be discharged. She tried to give me some story about needing to stay because Kylie was on the edge of needing an IV for dehydration and what not, and that’s when I told her that we weren’t going to let them give Kylie an IV and that they had not informed me of anything I didn’t already know before I got there and we were ready to leave, considering they had told us that they would have been happy if Kylie was able to drink three ounces of the pedialyte, and she had already drank six ounces and nursed. So the nurse consented to get the resident on duty to check her and let us go.
Now enters the head resident, who is different from the original attending who check out Kylie to begin with. He tells us that Kylie was no where near needing an IV and doesn’t know why the attending and this nurse had told us that. Stated that Kylie was only slightly dehydrated and no where near the level of dehydration that would require an IV, and that furthermore all of her responses seemed normal for a child that was clearly tired. Told us just to make sure she is drinking some fluids and that the bug would work its way out of her system.
So basically it was a waste of a few hours to go to the ER, but with the upcoming 600 mile trip, we decided it was better to be safe than sorry. So far today though, she is doing much better and we are hoping that it will last through tomorrow’s trip home.