Our first fall…

Well today Kylie had her first fall. “How can this be?” you are wondering considering she hasn’t even started to crawl yet, let alone walk. Well allow me to answer as it is really very simple…she fell off the couch. Yep, that’s right, she fell off the couch. “How did that happen” you ask? Good question, but I am not really certain I can answer that in complete certainty because I was not in the room when it happened, which of course is why it happened. See I had placed her in her boppy on the couch, as I have done many times before, and then went into the kitchen to prepare her bottle. It was during this time that I heard a little thump. My first thought was “Oh God, please don’t let that be what I think it was” and then I looked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Well low-and-behold there was my little girl laying on the floor on her back partly under the coffee table just kind of looking around. Well my heart jumped and I walked over to her, and went to pick her up and hold her, well I took one step and she saw me…and then proceeded to cry. So I picked her up and held her and made sure she was ok and then proceeded to finish making her a bottle. She is fine of course and this is only the first of many more falls to come. But I have now learned a valuable lesson, and that lesson is that she is now to the point where it is not safe to place her on the couch in her boppy without being right there, as she can roll and or fidget out and away from it. “We fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”

[EDIT: 11-01-05]
It turns out that she does have a slight bump on her head and maybe a slight bruise but all in all she is no worse for wear and is doing just fine.

PHP and other stuff

Over the last few days I had an issue with PHP pages not being processed properly by the server. As such, things like this blog, were not loading properly, actually they weren’t loading at all. In fact nothing that required the use of PHP worked, obviously that has been fixed. Chris was nice enough to take a look at it for me and point out my mistake. Now I understand something better than I did before and hopefully the next time it will not take me this long to fix the problem. Thanks Chris.

In other news, the site now resides on its very own hard drive. As such i should not need to worry about running out of space do to the gallery and all its images taking up space. Once again, thanks Chris for helping to get that set up.

4 Month Check Up

Kylie had her 4 month check up today and the doctor is pleased with her progress. She is now a healthy 16.05 pounds and 25.25 inches long (so just over 2 feet tall). In addition to this her head is 15 inches around. The doctor did make a comment in regards to her cradle cap but was pleased with how we were treating it. In addition to this we were given the ok to get her ears pierced, so as soon as I can scrap together some money and find some time, I think we are going to go and do that. This way it will be done before she reaches the stage where she is constantly pulling on her ears. her next appointment is in January for her 6 month check up and shots, so I will post more then unless something happens in the mean time.

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Illegal

*This is extreme sarcasm, so before you flip out and think I have gone nuts, read it and laugh with me.*

  1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
  2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
  3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
  4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn’t changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can’t marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
  5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears’ 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
  6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn’t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren’t full yet, and the world needs more children.
  7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
  8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That’s why we have only one religion in America.
  9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That’s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
  10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven’t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

via: drunkbunny and Joe.

My needs

So the newest thing lately (it seems) is to go to google and in the search box type “[your name] needs” and see the results. Well i decided to jump on this bandwagon (because hey, some of thes i’ve seen are just funny) and see what I need according to google. So I first tried “ed needs”, and this is what I got:

1.) Ed Needs A. HUMMER — this happens to be my favorite and it was the first result. woot!
2.) Ed needs vision beyond this budget
3.) Ed Needs to Know about IT
4.) Ed Needs Narrowing
5.) Ed needs more help
6.) Ed Needs Our Prayers
7.) Ed Needs Upgrades
8.) Ed Needs To Stop Hot Zones
9.) Ed needs more from Mike
10.) Ed Needs to Walk the Talk of Diversity

Now if you haven’t figured it out, must of these were a result of “ed” being a shortened form of “education”, so i decided to try my full name and see what happens, and it was this:

1.) Edward needs a special family.
2.) Edward Needs Sunscreen
3.) Edward Needs 1414 116th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA
4.) Edward Needs Cheering On!!
5.) Edward needs a break from TV and the way it arouses his appetite for getting more stuff that he can’t afford
6.) Edward needs a skilled and patient family who can provide a safe and loving home environment.
7.) Edward needs your assistance!
8.) Edward needs to announce his measures.
9.) Edward needs a tape measure.
10.) Edward needs to be allowed to remain in regular contact with her!
11.) Edward needs a hug?
12.) Edward needs it — and so does Alice. [who the heck is Alice, and is she hot?]
13.) Edward needs to use a walker.
14.) Edward needs to consider transportation costs to the Amore economical options.
15.) Edward needs to leave
16.) Edward needs to seek a job in Zimbabwe.
17.) Edward needs to get back to France and other important matters. [France is important?!?]
18.) Edward needs a check for the food.
19.) Edward needs to close the gates.
20.) Edward needs Graham, his best knight, to go out and retrieve the three lost treasures, along with any other valuable trinkets he happens to come across.

So yeah, evidently those are my needs. I never would have guessed I needed that stuff.

360 degree roll

Well it finally happened; a mile stone has been reached. Today at about 10:30pm Kylie finally rolled from her back to her stomach…and then back to her back. This is totally awesome! My personal hope is now that she can achieve this on her own, she will not fuss so much when she gets “stuck” on her stomach. I am sure this will not happen for a while though, not until she completely masters this new ability anyway. Of course then I will have to watch out for her rolling around the place.

Next comes the crawling. This is something she has kind of been working on as well. When she gets “stuck” on her stomach we have a tendency to leave her their for a few minutes, mainly to give her time to build her neck muscles by holding her head up to look around. However, we have noticed that if she is really impatient she tends to bring her legs up under herself and then kick her legs back out in a crawling motion. The end result of this is that she pushes herself slightly forward, but not quit crawling. So I am sure that will follow soon.

On a side note the symptoms of teething continue to plague us on a daily basis. Kylie continues to become fussy for no reason and the only way to remotely calm her is to give her a chilled teething ring or to place a small amount of Baby Orajel on her gums. In addition to this she is drooling like it is her job. She will soak an entire bib in 10 minutes, and forget about the top half of a shirt, that doesn’t stand a chance.

What Horror Movie Are You?

Take the quiz: “Which Horror Movie Are You?”

The Blair Witch Project

You feel lost, and like you have noone to talk to. You know there are people there, you know you can get help, but you are too fearful of the outside world to the point of letting noone in. You might have a couple of close friends, but you push them away because your own fears overtake all feelings and emotions you might have. You aren’t worrying about a specific thing, just life in general.

Harlan McCraney

Ever stop to wonder “Man, the President’s speach was awsome. I wonder who wrote it?” Yeah, me either. But you should still go check this out because it explains a lot!

You have to understand one thing about the American people, they are not interested in a politician that speaks smoothly or who insists on using “real words” or who can actually talk. The American people of today’s Americas want a politician who can speak their language and speak it well.

I never liked Andy Dick until now! The best part is the clips from actual speaches that Bush gave! If you don’t laugh at this, then you have no humor at all, besides, it’s funny because of the true clips!

Rolling and other stuff

So yeah, I meant to post this like 2 weeks ago, but never got around to it.

Well Kylie finally started rolling from her back to her stomach about a day or two after she was 3 months old. When she first finally accomplished it she frightened herself and ended up crying. So I rolled back onto her back and let her know just how exciting this event was. It took her a little while to get used to rolling over and not startling herself but she managed. So she now rolls from her back to her stomach towards her right side. In fact on many occasions we find her asleep in her crib on her stomach now. She still gets a little frustrated after a few minutes of being on her stomach as she is still unable to roll herself back over. However, after she is rolled back onto her back she promptly rolls over on her stomach again, almost like it is a game. To the point where sometimes to prevent her from fussing and rolling over we have to place a pillow next to her on her right side to keep her from rolling over.

But wait, “what happens when she starts to roll over on her left side” you ask? Good question as a couple of days ago she started to attempt to roll over on her left side and as of last night (in her sleep) she has accomplished it. I have yet to see her roll over on her left side yet while awake, but am sure she will not have any issues doing it. Seeing as she is still fussing somewhat when she gets “stuck” on her stomach for more than a few minutes unless she is sleeping, I guess we will just have to play the roll over game for a while longer. I must admit it will be nice when she learns how to roll herself back over on her back.

In other Kylie related news; I have yet to scan all the pictures and such (still sorry Mom) but am working on it. I have a few more rolls to scan and then prepare the pictures for the site, and then they will go up. I expect that when this happens there will be a ton of images thrown up at once and then I will later go back and handle all the labeling and such.

On another note, she is showing early signs of teething. Mainly the constant drooling and fussing that only seems to be calmed when something cold is placed in her mouth. So we have taken to keeping at least two teething rings in the refrigerator for these instances.

She ahs also grown into the next stage of diapers and a lot of her 3 month old clothes are starting to become too small for her (depending on the cut). She has her next doctor’s appointment towards the end of this month and then I will be able to provide more information as to her weight and length and such, but as of right now let me just say she is getting big.

Down time…

The site is back up and running as it should be. Apparently there were some disc issues that needed to be resolved. What? You didn’t even know the site was down? Well it was, thanks for noticing! Heh. It was down for about two days before I was able to get enough spare time together and repair it. Was actually a pretty fast repair and I didn’t even need to contact my (not so) local help support (read: Chris). So that was nice. Anyway, everything is all good now.