Well I finally got around to adding the Collections page. Basically it is just my DVD and Book list. Took the links to those off of the main index page. I know have everything that i wanted to keep incorporated into the blog site. Not sure if I am going to move the blog over to the root or not yet. I will have to see how I feel about that as time goes on. As is the only link left up on the root is the link to the blog. I guess I will check logs and see if anyone still goes to the root page, which I doubt, and then decide if I want to migrate all the blog files and do away with the old root. On a side note I have an idea for a new theme, well a new modification of Kubric at least, based off the old root. Will have to see if I get around to doing it or not. Not that it would take much mind you, it is a real easy idea.
Daily Archives: 7/16/2005
Underworld 2
While reading through Digg tonight, part of my nightly routine, I found out that the Underworld 2 site has gone live. This is sweet. I loved the first Underworld and was truly hoping they would make the sequel. The site isn’t really anything fancy yet, but the message in the beginning:
War was all I had known.In one night, the centuries of bloodshed were over; the lies that had united our kind had been exposed. Viktor’s death must be explained, or I face an exile deeper
than immortality itself.I can only hope to reach our last remaining elder before my
punishment is decided, and that the truth will spare my life.Marcus, descendant of the first true immortal awaits me.
And I must face his reckoning.
Would indicate that the second movie is going to pick up right where the first one left off, without any sort of time lapse. I can’t wait. I only hope that the second one will do justice to what they started in the first one, because lets face it, there have been some pretty shitty sequels in the past.