RK fixed

So I finally got around to fixing RK and RK Stats. Well ok, in the end it really just turned out to be RK as RK stats was working fine. The stats for RK were not showing on the bottom of the page, which made me think it was RK Stats that was failing, when in reality it was RK itself. Now failing is actually the wrong term as I discovered. The real culprit was a missing php line. I don’t know why, but after not even thinking about it for like a month, the solution just came to me last night, and when I looked into it, it ended up being a 2 second fix. I guess it really wasn’t a big deal and thats why I never really looked into. Anyway, it’s fixed now.

Photos That Changed The World

Over the years Life Magazine has published some very controversial images. Some of them have even changed the world. The Digital Journalist has some of the 100 Photographs that Changed the World up with a paragraph describing the image. Simply click on the image to view a piece of history that helped change the world.

Death By Caffeine

I used to be a huge pop (soda) drinker a few years ago. I mean I used to go through over a liter in a day. On top of that it was regular Pepsi. Surprisingly enough my teeth are in relatively good condition. Anyway, in my web surfing adventures this evening I found the Death By Caffeine site. It is a rather interesting site in which you “pick your poison” and enter your weight and it will tell you just how many 12 ounce cans you would have to drink in order for it to kill you. “It would take 501.35 cans of Pepsi-Cola to kill” me.

One Month Old

Two days ago (on the 20th) my daughter, Kylie turned 1 month old! This first month has gone by very fast and has found many firsts.

Including her first hair wash in the sink:

and her first meeting with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Waun who were up from Florida:

and her first nap with Daddy:

and her first bottle feeding:

Of course after her umbilical cord came off she was allowed her first bath:

And perhaps one of the most memorable moments, her first meeting with Grandma and Grandpa King, they drove all the way out from NY just to meet her!

It has been a busy first month for Kylie to say the least. She hasn’t actually met Princess (her cat) yet, as Princess isn’t quite sure what to think of her yet. However, Princess gets a little closer each day and seems to accept her being around just a little bit more. I am sure that eventually Princess will fully adjust, although a lot of progress has been made, as now Princess will hop up on the couch and sit next to me and Kylie as long as Kylie doesn’t fuss.Oh yes, it has been a very eventful month!

Star Wars Ep. 3 Abridged Script

Being the Star Wars geek that I am (ok, so I am not all that bad actually) I have of course seen The Revenge of the Sith. Now I am by no means saying it was the greatest movie of all times, Star Wars or otherwise, but I did enjoy it. That being said, I stumbled upon The Editing Room tonight, more to the point, I found the Abridged Script for Star Wars Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith, this is a very humorous read for anyone who has seen the movie.


Well I finally got around to adding the Collections page. Basically it is just my DVD and Book list. Took the links to those off of the main index page. I know have everything that i wanted to keep incorporated into the blog site. Not sure if I am going to move the blog over to the root or not yet. I will have to see how I feel about that as time goes on. As is the only link left up on the root is the link to the blog. I guess I will check logs and see if anyone still goes to the root page, which I doubt, and then decide if I want to migrate all the blog files and do away with the old root. On a side note I have an idea for a new theme, well a new modification of Kubric at least, based off the old root. Will have to see if I get around to doing it or not. Not that it would take much mind you, it is a real easy idea.

Underworld 2

While reading through Digg tonight, part of my nightly routine, I found out that the Underworld 2 site has gone live. This is sweet. I loved the first Underworld and was truly hoping they would make the sequel. The site isn’t really anything fancy yet, but the message in the beginning:

War was all I had known.In one night, the centuries of bloodshed were over; the lies that had united our kind had been exposed.

Viktor’s death must be explained, or I face an exile deeper
than immortality itself.

I can only hope to reach our last remaining elder before my
punishment is decided, and that the truth will spare my life.

Marcus, descendant of the first true immortal awaits me.

And I must face his reckoning.

Would indicate that the second movie is going to pick up right where the first one left off, without any sort of time lapse. I can’t wait. I only hope that the second one will do justice to what they started in the first one, because lets face it, there have been some pretty shitty sequels in the past.

A whole lot of pennies

Large numbers are very often hard to comprehend. Not just the fact that they are large, I think we would all agree that 1 mbillion is a lot. But just how much is it? Well the MegaPenny Project seeks to answer that question.

Visualizing huge numbers can be very difficult. People regularly talk about millions of miles, billions of bytes, or trillions of dollars, yet it’s still hard to grasp just how much a “billion” really is. The MegaPenny Project aims to help by taking one small everyday item, the U.S. penny, and building on that to answer the question: “What would a billion (or a trillion) pennies look like?”

On top of the display of the numbers in a manner easy to comprehend, it even gives you information like how much all those pennies would weigh. I never realized $10 in pennies weighs over 6 pounds. It’s an interesting site none the less.


I have finally gotten around to adding the music / video links from the old site. There is now a “Pages” category off to the right, the link can be found there. i would not be surprised if more and more of the videos start to disapear as the place where I link them from periodically removes some of them. As is there are now significantly less than what I originally had. Who knows, maybe this page will eventually fade all together. In any event it is here now. I am also working on getting the Collections lists linked over as a page as well, so that will appear eventually. There may also be other pages added as I feel the need for them as time goes on…or not.

Real Men of Genius

Remember the Bud Light radio comercials featuring “Real Men of Genius”? Remember how when one came on the radio everyone hushed everyone else so we could all hear it and laugh? Well tonight I found this site which contains ALL 79 of them for your listening pleasure!