Photo Gallery

I have been working on implementing a photo gallery into the site for a couple of days now. Tonight I finally added the link. The gallery is something that will get updated and re-aranged at irregular intervals as I take new photos and get old photos scanned in. It can be found under “Links” in the menu.

It is created using a program called Gallery which allows for the creation of individual albums wich can contain photos or other albums or a mixture of both. This allows for pictures to be grouped by simalarity and/or relavence. I disabled the feature that would allow viewers to make comments about pictures, but that is another feature of the program. It would also allow for me to allow other people to create albums and such, but why would I want someone elses photos up here?

Anyway…it is up and running and sure to be a part of the site that changes without notice and at odd intervals.

Extream Shredding

While “working” this evening/morning I came across the site for Shredding Systems Inc. This company is an industry leader in, well, shredding. They shred pretty much anything. If it needs shredding they will design, build, and implement a system to shred it. We are not just talking paper here, thats amature stuff. If you go here you can watch videos of some of there systems at work shredding a lot of stuff. Sure there is some paper in there, but there is also steel drums, oversized tires, whole computers, oh yeah and refrigerators and washing machines too! If you want to see some heavey duty shredding, check this place out!