Ok, so i figured out the comments thing. It turns out I need to approve comments before they actually appear on the site. I stumbled upon this accidentally and am now wondering if there is a way to allow them to post automatically. But then my next thought is why? I think I will leave it that the comments need approval, maybe this will change in the future. Who knows?
Daily Archives: 1/14/2005
Still configuring
Well after playing around with things for a few hours, I have acomplished nothing. Heh, why does that not surprise me? I have run a few tests and it appears as if comments are not working, I will have to look into this.
Ok, so I did manage to throw up a few links to some friends sites, but that is really nothing. I am still working on the lay out scheme and I want to find a new design as well. I really like Steve’s but I don’t want to borrow that from him, so I will have to look around and see what I can come up. Well, on with the toiling….
First Post
Well it seems like I have managed to get wordpress to work. I am very pleased with myself. WordPress in and of itself was not that hard to install, however the required MySQL and PHP was a little rough for me. But I had some help from a few people namely, Joe, Steve, and Chris. Thanks for all your help guys, without it I probably would not have gotten this up and running.
With all that said, I am looking forward to attempting to learn how WordPress works and see if I am even capable of keeping a blog going. I mean I know it will keep going, its just that I have this tendancy to not update a web page for insane lengths of time. Oh well, time will tell.