Pure and San Fran

This past week (June 11 – June 15) I had the opportunity to attend one of my vendor conferences for the first time in my career, and to make it even better, the conference was held in San Francisco! The conference was Pure Storage’s //Accelerate 2017. This was a three-day event filled with a lot of information and collaboration with other vendors. I’m told that this is smaller than other vendor conferences, but seeing as I have nothing to compare it to personally, it seemed pretty large to me.

First, I’d like to get the negatives out-of-the-way.  The venue was…interesting. They held the event in what was previously an empty warehouse at Pier 70 (2), which gave it a nice juxtaposition with all the new high-tech hardware that was brought in for the conference; including the miles of cables and audio-visual equipment retrofitted for the presentations. The downside was that there was no running water within the building. As such they had to bring in portable toilets, albeit upscale ones, they were still undersized and not maintained very well; and at the end of the day they were still porta potties. Additionally this venue was rather far from the hotels they suggested that we book, which meant that we were relying on the bus schedule to go to and from the event. I feel it would have been better if the venue were more accessible to the accommodations. The session breakout rooms were an interesting take on the open concept that under other circumstances would probably have worked well. They were basically open sided shipping containers, which was a very nice tie in to the piers shipping history, but a poor choice for the sessions due to the high traffic area they were in. Sitting in one of these and attempting to listen to the presenter(s) was often difficult due to the high volume of background noise, even with their being some speakers configured within the space for amplification.  

On the upside, I felt that the content provided, at least in the sessions I attended, was solid. I sat in on multiple sessions presented by industry experts such as Cody Hosterman (Twitter) and Pete Flecha (Twitter), both of whom I was looking forward to meeting, and was not let down. Additionally the third-party vendors that attended were all a good fit with the technology that Pure Storage develops, and the representatives that were on site for those vendors were all technologically knowledgeable for their respective products. In other words, they weren’t simply sales guys. The vendors all had some interesting swag and giveaways as well. I scored a couple of shirts (which make me a walking billboard, but still worth it) and some more interesting items; like an RC Car and a really nice UE Boom Bluetooth speaker that I am really looking forward to using. As I mentioned earlier the location of the venue in relation to the hotels was not ideal, and this lead me to believe there would be an issue with food as well; this was not the case however, as each day they had a number of food trucks that we could choose from. We were provided with tickets that we could redeem at the trucks for lunch. Later in the afternoon different trucks would return and provide strolling hors d’oeuvre that allowed for a further sampling of local street cuisine, and honestly, the food was incredible.

During the conference Pure also handed out the Accelerator Award:

The award recognizes Pure customers whose business transformation is accelerating the adoption of new storage infrastructures and operating models in their respective industries.

While I was attending as an employee of AAA-ACG, I could not help but feel a sense of pride when my former employer, Secure-24, was presented with this award. After all, I was part of the company last year when they adapted and implemented the technology, and honestly I still feel very close to the team their.

Secure-24 for delivering the highest levels of secure application hosting while providing one of the industry’s most stringent SLAs to a steadily expanding customer base.

Secure-24 is an industry leader in IT operations, application hosting and managed cloud services to enterprises worldwide. It has standardized on Pure Storage, and every time a customer is moved onto Pure, performance improvements of 3x-10x have been realized. This has allowed Secure-24 to strengthen its SLAs, encouraging customers to confidently outsource additional workloads.

Recipient: Scott McIsaac, Chief Infrastructure Officer

In total I was in San Francisco for four days. This could have been cut down but there was some miscommunication and understanding about the conference in general. While the conference was three days long, the first day (Monday) was vendor and partner only, of which we are neither. This meant that I ended up with Monday to myself as I do not yet have the ability to work remotely, both in terms of not having a laptop and not having VPN access. So I was able to take in some sightseeing on Monday, and considering this was my first time in California as a whole, i did take advantage of this. I took a guided bus tour of San Francisco which included a trip across the Golden Gate Bridge. I also visited the famous Pier 39 and FIsherman’s Wharf, both of which were pretty neat and would require further exploration. While on Pier 39 I also took advantage of (thanks to Melissa’s persuasion) a boat tour of the San Francisco Bay which included a closer pass by of Alcatraz Island! The next time I get to take a trip out to San Fran. I fully intend to take a tour of Alcatraz in addition to spending more time on the piers! Also on this short boat tour we went over to K Dock and saw the famous Sea Lions!  Additionally, I would like to have the time to look around the fort locations near the Golden Gate Bridge, this alone could take multiple days! I also saw, but did not ride, the cable cars. I think I made the most of the unexpected free time that I had, but it made me realize that I need to add San Francisco to the long list of places to visit with Melissa and Kylie!

All in all I’d say it was a very good trip. The conference, overall, I thought was very good. That being said, I am not sure if I would attend this one again next year. While I am a huge fan of Pure Storage and their products, their products are currently limited. They perform great, and are very easy to use in comparison to other vendors, but it will take some new products or maybe additional industry disruptions on their part to deem a trip to this conference necessary again. What it has done, however, is made me even more interested in attending other vendor conferences. Both for the comparison and the networking and knowledge acquisition. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next year brings and how the industry evolves.

Access Denied

This was entirely expected, but none the less, still frustrating. As I mentioned yesterday, part of converting to a full-time employee involves the changing of my employee ID. This ID is also linked to my corporate login for access to all of the systems, and while the badge ID changed yesterday and caused lack of access to the building, my logon ID changed sometime during the night and so this morning I could not access any of the computer systems. I spent a very large portion of my day resolving this access and the issues the automated conversion of my account caused. For instance, not only could I not access any of the systems this morning, including my main workstation, I also lost access to the last 3 months worth of email due to the automated system assigning me a new email address. Additionally, my home drive for all of my centrally stored files was linked to my old ID, so I lost access to the last 3 months worth of notes and work that I have done. Most of these issues were resolved today, but due to the way some of the applications work  I think it is going to be a couple of days before everything is straightened out and all of my access is fully restored. Unfortunately it meant today was not very productive in terms of work, but highly productive in terms of causing me frustration. Though looking back on it now that I am home and relaxing, I guess it’s a little humorous too.

None Shall Pass

My second day as a full-time member of the company was vastly different from the first, and very much an adventure, at least a short one. Short as in, couldn’t get past security, short. We use a badge system to access the main building area that leads up to the offices and this checkpoint is  about 100 feet into the main building, so I technically got into the building I just couldn’t get to my workstation. I had a feeling something like this might happen and attempted to get out in front of it last Friday, but something went wrong in that process. Before leaving work last Friday I had spoken with security and gave them the heads up that I would be converting from a contractor to a full-time employee and expressed concerns about my ID not working this morning due to my employee ID changing (we use different ID Standards for contractors versus full employees). They made a note in this system and extended my badge access so that my contractor badge would work through tomorrow so that today I could get the new badge (we couldn’t create it Friday because my new ID wouldn’t be live until today), but it looks like the system overrode those changes. This seems like it would be a simple thing to resolve except that the majority of the system is automated and I get to the office very early, 5am today in fact. This is an issue because the people needed to override the access aren’t in the office at this time. So it took almost an hour and me text messaging my manager to get it all straightened out. I was able to get temporary access and, later in the morning, get my ID badge updated to my new full-time employee badge. The rest of the day was business as usual though, so that was nice. Tomorrow should go much more smoothly.

First Official Day

Today is officially my first day as a full-time employee for AAA-ACG and will be listed as my  hire date within the corporate records, and I have to say it is the best “first day” I’ve had at a company so far. Why? Because it’s a holiday and I don’t actually have to go to work. I find this greatly amusing because my internal narrative of the event goes basically like this: “Welcome to the company! Take a paid day off.” I think that’s a pretty good way to start a career. Looking forward to the rest of the adventure!

The Official Offer

I received the official offer letter today via email. I am happy with the offer, though if I am being honest, the salary is a little lower than I was hoping for. That being said my manager assured me that the company is pretty good about bonuses and that he will try to see what he can do during reviews.  Additionally the benefits package helps a bit as well. Specifically the fact that there are two retirement accounts, one of which I do not contribute to, but the company does on my behalf, and the second where they match a portion of what I contribute. Although, I will now be paying for my own benefits, whereas before the company paid for them at 100%. So realistically, all of this taken together my salary is probably a bit lower than I was hoping. I guess I won’t really be able to tell until my first paycheck wherein all deductions are being taken out. Regardless, I am very grateful for this opportunity. I truly feel like I am (and will continue to) contribute a lot to this team and the company as a whole. Along those lines, many of the people at this company have been here for a long time, so I feel like the company will treat me well in return. After all, people don’t stay at a company for 30+ years if it’s a bad place to be. As such, I am looking forward to a long and fruitful career.

A Verbal Offer

Today, at the end of a team meeting, I (and hopefully my colleagues) received some very good news from my manager. My manager told me that I was officially coming on board as a full-time non-contract employee of the company! Based on the success of the last three months and what seems to be a good fit with the team and the company, I was hoping for this outcome. Though my teammates had told me that they wanted me to stay and felt that I have been a great asset and addition to their team, I did not want to get my hopes up. Needless to say this verbal confirmation has taken some stress off of me, though I am still waiting on the official offer letter from human resources or staffing. I am looking forward to this new leg of my career and the challenges and rewards it will bring, both personally and professionally.

Contract Begins

After a number of setbacks and delays due to various reasons, today was finally my first day at AAA! I was honestly starting to think this day was not going to come. Everyone I’ve met so far has been very friendly and seem like they will be easy to work with. It is certainly going to take me some time to learn my way around the building though, as it is much larger than I had realized. I should rephrase that, I knew the building was large I just didn’t realize that the entire thing was all AAA. My last position was also in a large building, but we were one of many companies in the building, that is not the case here. I will also need to go shopping, as I now will be required to wear more business dress than business casual clothing. This mainly means that I need to go get myself a couple of pairs of slacks, as I currently do not own any. Additionally, I am going to have to adjust to the amount of noise, or rather the lack of noise, here. Even though there is a very large call center right below my current cube, which overlooks the main first floor walkway, and the call center is composed of many short walled cubes, the amount of background noise from conversations is minimal. I attribute that to the approximately 6 foot high cubicle walls that I am now surrounded by, which is also something I will need to get accustomed too. As far as first days go, it was decent but odd. Typically the first few days are spent going to orientations and going over various policies and such, but I was able to jump right in and attend meetings with my team. I still need to get all my access to systems and applications straightened out, but I do not expect that to happen in the first week. If I am 100% honest, this atmosphere and environment type is not my first choice, however, it is certainly manageable. This will be a good opportunity for me, and I think that I genuinely bring a lot of value to the team. I guess we will have to see how the next three months go to know though. In either case, it was really nice to back in an office and contributing to a team again.

A New Beginning

Today I verbally accepted a position to work for AAA – The Auto Club Group as a contractor through Insight Global. I’ll be working out of their headquarters in Dearborn. The job functionality will be pretty much the same as I was doing in my previous roles, that being of a Storage Engineer. I already know that my skills will be an asset to this team, particularly as they are already looking to implement something I suggested to them in my interview that should help improve performance of one of their arrays. The atmosphere is more corporate than I have been used to for the last few years, but similar to my previous environments at Thomson Reuters. It will take me a moment to adjust, but I have no concerns there. It’s a three-month contract to hire position, which is something I have never done before. The first three months are basically a trial period wherein either party can decide it’s not working and end the contract, with the expectation that if all goes well during that time I will then be hired directly into the company. From what I have been told, the majority of the team have all been with the company for a long time. By this I mean the manager has been there 5 years and is the newest member of the team, the rest have been with the company for upwards of 30 years or more. I’d like to think that this says a lot about the company in regards to how it treats their employees, and perhaps it does, but I will need to wait and see that for myself. I do not have an official start date yet, but they seemed pretty eager to have me join the team, so hopefully it will be soon. While I have enjoyed having a month off (stress levels aside that is) I am definitely a person who would rather be working, and as such I am ready to be back contributing to a team.

The Start of a New Journey

Today I suffered a pretty big blow as I was let go from my job. I had been working at Secure-24, a Managed Service Provider, for a little over 4 years and I really enjoyed it there. In addition to the excellent salary, benefits, and culture; I had the opportunity to work with some really great people. In fact, some of the smartest people within their respective IT fields work there. I was let go for budgetary reasons, which is tough to wrap my head around but I guess that’s the nature of business. The shock of this happening was slightly lessened because I had received a heads up from someone that it was possible, however, I still was not fully prepared mentally. I don’t think it will take me too long to find a new position, but I am worried about finding a place that will be as good of a fit as it was here. I legitimately enjoyed coming into work everyday, and a huge part of that had to do with the culture, atmosphere and people. My team members were pretty close-knit and we watched out for each other like family. I wish them, and Secure-24 as a whole, all the best. I am determined to stay positive about this change of events, though, and I will not view this as an ending or a failure, but rather as the start of a new journey. Now it’s time to look ahead, move forward, and find that next opportunity. Though I do think some well deserved time off may also be in order….

Fourth Annual Holiday Party

Last night was the annual S24 holiday party, and once again it was a great time. Unfortunately Nicole and Alex were not able to make it due to Nicole not feeling well. That was the only low point of the night. This year the party was at the Tam-O-Shanter Country Club, which is different from previous years, but was decided via a company wide vote. I guess the majority of the company was ready for a change of scenery. There was no live band this year, instead there was a DJ playing music. There were also four bars around the perimeter of the of the venue along with side rooms for quite conversations. They also brought back the caricature artists this year, so Melissa and I made sure to get another one of those done, as they are usually pretty good. I have to admit, I drank a bit more last night then I normally would or I intended too, but there was no driving as we relied on the provided shuttle to bring us back to the hotel. Melissa is definitely more comfortable with the atmosphere and people in the company now as well, as we spent a good portion of the night walking around and mingling separately. I think the way the venue was set up, that of a multi-room hall layout, lent to more of a wandering and mingling atmosphere opposed to just sitting at a table. I do feel that fewer people came this year though, I think the change of venue made some people feel like it was out-of-the-way, or perhaps that there wouldn’t be anything to do in the area after the party. I know a lot of people will leave the party at the end of the night and then go to the casino or a Coney Island. We didn’t have this problem though, as we typically just go back to the hotel and sleep by that time. Despite all this I think this may have been the best year yet, because of how comfortable we both were with knowing more people and such. I hope they change the venue back next year, just so more people will come, but if they don’t I think this venue worked out very well. Here’s looking forward to next year already!