More Pictures

I added more pictures to Kylie’s Year 4 Gallery, mainly to the February album I think, but there may have been a few random older pictures too. I believe I am now all caught up on pictures for the moment.

Collections updated

I have updated the collections page, as I have recently gotten a few more movies. The lists should now be up to date. I have actually slowed down, in truth Ihave almost stopped, all purchases of new movies and books, as finances have been getting very tight and will be getting even tighter in the near future.

Readable Font Color

A while ago, when I first redesinged the site, I knew i had to change the font color so the site would be more readable. I spent some time trying to figure out how to change the CSS, but being as I am not very good with those, I didn’t get to far.  I was able to make a few small changes that did help the site mold towards what I wanted, but just couldn’t find the font color setting. Then, as time went by, it fell off my plate and I forgot about trying to make it a better color. Then Mom sent me an email the other day reminding me that it was difficult to read. Having reinspired me to find out how to fix this, I did some more in depth research and, as can clearly be seen, figured out how to change the font color.  Now everything should be easier to read. Thanks Mom for reminding me to fix this.

Gallery Additions

I finally got around to adding more pictures into the gallery. More specifically I added Kylie’s December pictures, I also added her Day Care class photo, some pictures of Kylie painting a ceramic Santa, and the rest of the pictures of the frozen window [post]. I am pretty sure this brings all the pictures I have to the site. As usual, if and when I get more they will eventually be added to the site. At least I am all caught up before the years is over though.

The tags have arrived

I have started using a new way to categorize posts that will only be noticed if people view the Archives page. A new section has been added on that page called Tag Cloud. What happens now, is when I write a post, in addition to choosing what category it will be filled under, I can add whats called Tags. Wikipedia describes a tag cloud as:

A tag cloud or word cloud (or weighted list in visual design) is a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, used typically to describe the content of web sites. Tags are usually single words and are typically listed alphabetically, and the importance of a tag is shown with font size or color. Thus both finding a tag by alphabet and by popularity is possible. The tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with a tag.

Most likely I will only use this for the rare and random posts that end up in the “General” category, but we will see what happens.

Pictures added to the gallery

I added some new pictures to the gallery, specifically to Kylie’s Year 4 gallery and some pictures of a Moonrise that I took from my kitchen window. I also added some pictures I took in Philadelphia when I toured The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania Library and Museum. All of the Masonic pictures were taken with my camera phone, so hopefully I will get back there some day with my good camera and take more and better pictures.

Wiard’s and Zoo Boo Pictures

Have finally been posted to Kylie’s gallery. The pictures from our day at Wiards Orchard can be found here and the images from this years Zoo Boo can be found here. I think this catches me up on all of Kylie’s pictures. I am sure there will be more that will be taken and then put me behind again, but I will try to keep on top of them. Until the next round of pictures are taken and due, enjoy.

System Upgrade

Lately I have noticed the sight seems to be loading a little slowly. In an attempt to help rectify this I have performed a memory upgrade on the web server, and though it is technically not a lot, I have doubled the system RAM to 512MB. Though I would like to increas it more I think that is the maximum amount this particular machine can handle. It does seem to have helped some, so I guess it has server its purpose. Perhaps I should consider moving the site to a proper hosting service. I can always route the domain name to another IP with relative ease. The only thing I would need to worry about is the cost, as I really don’t have the money to pay for external hosting. Plus with all the pictures that I maintain on this site I think I might go over a typical hosting sites space quota. I guess for the time being the memory upgrade really will have to suffice.

New Voice Mail

I finally got around to getting a new voice mail from Kylie up. This is one that she left for me when I was heading out to PA in September for work. I still love that I can go back and listen to all these and hear her speech improve. She is such an amazing little girl!


Wow! What a long and insanely productive night! As can be plainly seen, I have created an entirely new layout for the site. However, should I change it here is a visual record:

KingsPride Screenshot

In addition, and perhaps less noticeable, is the new domain name: I registered it tonight after the idea for this site came to me yesterday. All of this was a lot of work and odds are there are more changes that will take place down the road as I perfect everything and tweak it to be just what I want. Now it is time for bed though.