Theme Modification

Well I made some modifications to the theme of the site, as can be seen. I call this my Moose theme. It is really just a slight modification of the Kubrick theme (default theme), mainly just changing the images. I am planning on making some other image modifications to possible give myself some other “custom” themes, but odds are that they will al be based of of Kubrick as I really like this layout style.

I have also managed to get the Calendar option to work off to the right as well. I really like this feature as it allows the reader to see on what days posts were placed, and as such an easy way to tell if there have been new posts since their last visit.

Site upgrade

Well I am proud to say that I finally got the new version of Word Press to work, thus allowing for the change in the site layout and theme. Special thanks to Steve for this one. I am sure the theme will be changing over the next few days as I find new ones that I like and update the page. In the mean time I will also be looking into customizing the content of my page. This is sweet!

Comments solved

Ok, so i figured out the comments thing. It turns out I need to approve comments before they actually appear on the site. I stumbled upon this accidentally and am now wondering if there is a way to allow them to post automatically. But then my next thought is why? I think I will leave it that the comments need approval, maybe this will change in the future. Who knows?

Still configuring

Well after playing around with things for a few hours, I have acomplished nothing. Heh, why does that not surprise me? I have run a few tests and it appears as if comments are not working, I will have to look into this.

Ok, so I did manage to throw up a few links to some friends sites, but that is really nothing. I am still working on the lay out scheme and I want to find a new design as well. I really like Steve’s but I don’t want to borrow that from him, so I will have to look around and see what I can come up. Well, on with the toiling….