Up and Running

I finally got the web server back up and running on a full time basis. I still need to work on upgrading the kernel so there may be some periodic outages as I try to perform a very long overdue upgrade. I have been having problems with it for quit a while now though, so it may be time to ask for some help from a few friends.

Startaling Start to My Day

Kylie gave me a momentary fright this morning, not intentionally, but she did something she has never done before. I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom, after leaving the bathroom I looked into Kylie’s room to check on her, which is my normal routine. I normally get up and use the bathroom, look in on her in her room then go and log onto my computer to check what the weather is going to be like for the day so I know what to wear and to how appropriately dress Kylie, then I wake her up. Today, however, when I looked into Kylie’s room her bed was strangely empty. I thought maybe she ended up laying on the floor and I couldn’t see her from the angle I was looking into the room; so I stepped into the room and looked around, but there was no Kylie. Then I thought “Well maybe she heard me go in to the bathroom because she was already awake and decided to go climb into my bed, she’s never done that before but she climbs into Mommy’s bed all the time.” So I went back into my room but no Kylie. At that moment my heart started to beat a little faster as this entire situation was highly unusual. At the same time though I was really calm because I knew she couldn’t have really gone anywhere, in fact the only place left that she could have gone was the living room. So I turned and walked back down the hall and into the living room, and there she was laying on the couch sound asleep curled up under one of the blankets we keep on the couch and using a throw pillow to lay her head on. It was really quit cute. When I woke her up and asked her if everything was ok she said it was and that she was fine, and when I asked her why she was sleeping on the couch she said she didn’t know. She didn’t remember coming out to the couch or why she came out to the couch, so the best I can figure is that she came out some time in the night possibly while sleep walking. Needless to say it was an interesting start to my day.