Fairy Door Hunt

A while ago Melissa came home from work with a piece of paper talking about Fairy Doors and how they are scattered around Ann Arbor. We had talked about it being a good way for us to do some more adventuring around Ann Arbor, something we have wanted to do for a while but never have the time, and then forgot about it. Last night Melissa found this piece of paper again and found there was a link on the paper to Urban Fairies. We checked it out and decided that today, after she got done with work, we would go on a hunt. It was rather interesting and we got to adventure around Ann Arbor and visit stores we otherwise would not. We had a very yummy iced Chai Tea at Sweetwaters Cafe, and I would like to go back there one day. We took a lot of pictures of the doors we found as well. Though we did not get to see the one located inside the Ann Arbor Google office because they were closed, it was still a very nice and fun day.