Today is the one month mark of my change in shaving styles from a cartridge razor to the classic wet shaving style. I am very happy to report that I am happier with this change than I even thought I was going to be. Shaving is much more enjoyable now as with this change came the almost complete removal of all razor burn. There is this one spot on my neck that I used to get terrible razor burn on and that is almost completely non-existent now. Considering that each time I shave I have less and less of this old irritation I am pretty confident that within the next month this will be gone completely. In addition to this my Mother was able to send me her fathers old shaving brush that he used to shave with. This is very special to me, as my grandfather passed away a long time ago before I really got a good chance to know him. So having something of his that I use on a regular basis and will have for years to come is very nice. So not only has this simple change in shaving style brought me relief from some a slightly more than minor irritation, it has also had the very pleasant and unexpected side effect of bringing me closer to my grandfather.