For the past few days Kylie has presented us with an odd problem. Every few minutes she will say she needs to go potty, and seeing as we are working on our potty training, we gladly take her into the bathroom and place her on the toilet, happy she has told us she needs to go. However, with the exception of a little pee, she does not go potty and even the pee is not an every time occurrence. This process has been repeating itself for about 4 days now, and during these four days Kylie has not had a bowel movement. Thinking this is definitly more than long enough, Tiffany called the doctor and explained the situation. The doctor’s assumption is that the last time Kylie did have a bowel movement it was rough and hurt, as such Kylie has been withholding and now has caused herself to become overly constipated; their suggestion: a child supposatory. Because it is already pretty late for Kylie, Tiffany is going to try this tomorrow and hopefully it will give Kylie some relief.