TiVo Update

I have had my TiVo now for a little over a month, and I have to say I am really happy with it. I have not delved into some of the more advanced features or even used the online scheduling, but using the basic DVR features has been worth it. I have been able to see a number of shows that I otherwise would not have been able to watch due to the time the come on or me just simply forgetting about them. In addition it has found at least one new show that I now record on a season pass. Plus being able to fast forward through commercials is a blessing in itself because it cuts a thirty minute show in almost half. While I am not ready to make the claim that my TiVo “gets me” it certainly has made watching TV more interesting and worth while. I am happy that I picked it up, and I will be even happier when the rebates come in and I get my money back!