That is what Kylie did with her flu, shared it with everyone. As of today the count is up to 6 people that got sick via Kylie. Today I became number six. I know when I got the exposure that made me sick too, last Friday. I was planning to work from home on Friday so I could watch Kylie because we could not put her in day care while she was sick, Tiffany was going to drop her off to me on her way to work in the morning, or at least that was the plan. However Friday morning Tiffany called me and asked if I could come and get Kylie, as Tiffany had gotten sick, so i decided to do one better and just work from her house and help take care of both of them for the day. Nice of me right? Yeah I thought so too, until very late Saturday night when I cam down with it as well. Yesterday was really bad and i spent the majority of the day sleeping. Today I am feeling a little better but opted to work from home just to make sure I didn’t get anyone at work sick. It seems like everyone who has gotten so far, except for Kylie, only has it for about 24 hours. However during those 24 hours you feel pretty miserable; vomiting, diarrhea, and a lot of muscle soreness seem to the general symptoms and afflictions. I have to admit I think it is humorous as to how many people have gotten sick; Tiffany, Aunt Courtney, Uncle Mike, Aunt Sissy, Papa, and me, I wonder if anyone else will be added to the list.
EDIT: 08/21/07
Mimi (Bev) got sick today as well, bringing the total number of Kylie’s victims to seven.
EDIT: 08/23/07
Melissa got sick today as well, we are now up to eight victims. On the plus side however Kylie has been feeling much better and has even returned to day care. 🙂