Ever since I have been out in Minnesota I have been saving voice mails on my cell phone, well not all of them, just the ones I get from Kylie. I have been doing this because it allows me to go back later on and hear her voice when I am feeling lonely. Hearing her say “Hi Daddy!” and “Miss you.” always make me feel better, there is just something about that little voice that seems to stave off the loneliness. Well, for a while now I have been saying to myself “I really need to find a way to get these messages off my phone and into a format that I will be able to, hopefully, save for ever.” Today I found my solution! It is a free service called GotVoice. Once you sign up and fill in the info the service needs (phone number, voice mail pin, email account, and some other stuff) the service verifies it can connect to your voice mail by leaving you a message and then retrieving it. When this is done you receive an email letting you know you can access your account. The service automatically checks throughout the day for new messages and sends you an email saying if you had new messages or not. You can then log into the website and listen to your voice mail right off the site. This is helpful if you are having it check your home phone voice mail and have access to email when you’re away. For me, however, the good part is that it can also retrieve saved messages! Once I had it get those (it leaves the messages on your voice mail as well) I found that I can then email the message (which is in MP3 format) to my email account, thus allowing me to have MP3 (digital audio) copies of my daughters voice mails! I have not yet decided if I am going to post the little audio clips here or not yet. Using this service and my email account I now have a way to save these memories basically forever and not have to worry about my voice mail box filling up. Isn’t technology great?!