So today I actually spent a few moments to try and figure out how to rip a DVD and place it on my new iPod, and a few minutes was all I needed. I performed a quick search on Google and found this tutorial that showed me a rather easy process to perform the conversion. I know have X-Men: The Last Stand on my iPod, and as soon as Rick lets me borrow his copy of The Boondock Saints (as mine is back home) that will be on their as well. Now I need to get my CDs from my truck and pull them down into iTunes and everything will be all set. On this next trip home I will have to remember to bring back all my old MP3s, so I can get my entire collection onto my iPod.
Monthly Archives: November 2006
Joining the masses
Tonight I finally joined the masses and purchased an MP3 player, more specifically I purchased a Black 30 Gig video iPod from the Apple Store at the Mall of America. I had been wanting one ever since my last extreamly boring flight home, and although it set me back a few hundred dollars, I think it was worth it. I also purchased the extended warranty plan and a case for the iPod to help protect the screen and such. I actually saved some money on the purchase because it turns out that as a Thomson employee I get a discount at the Apple Store, thanks to Rick for reminding me of that. Now I just need to get all of my MP3s off disks and learn how to convert my DVDs and I will be all set.
More pictures of Kylie
I finally got all the pictures I have of Kylie up in the gallery. This includes all pictures that Tiffany was able to give me and all the pictures I took on my all too short weekend home. They can be found in her year two album in the gallery, more exactly there are some new ones in month 3 week 5, all of month 4, and all of month 5 which also includes all of the pictures taken at the Zoo Boo.