Today my temporary state of elation had to come to an end, as it was time to come back to Minnesota. I spent the day playing with Kylie as much as possible and packing slowly, as it is not really something that I was looking forward to doing. After Tiffany got out of work it was time to start heading back towards the airport, I needed to fill the gas tank of my rental car – a PT Cruiser which hopefully I will never need to drive again – and then return it to National Rental. We also decided to have dinner at Bob Evans before they dropped me off at the airport. Due to a long line returning the car I actually got to the airport later than anticipated, I think this was actually a good thing as it allowed me to spend more time with Kylie, but it also did not afford me the opportunity to have a long good-bye with Kylie. I think this was a good thing because the short good-bye that I was allowed was very difficult, had it been any longer I am not sure I would have been able to handle it. During the day Kylie would periodically get upset when I left her site, one particular time I was going to use the bathroom and she followed me down the hall, when I started to close the door she looked like she was going to cry. I had to cancel using the bathroom and pick her up and hold her for a while and explain to her that I was simply going to use the bathroom and that I would be right back. At first I didn’t think much of it, however I did realize that she had already picked up on the fact that I would be leaving soon. At the airport, while saying good-bye, I realized just how much she understood and just how much me being gone affects her. When I got out and opened the back door to giver her a kiss and tell her how much I loved her and that I would see her soon, she immediately started to get upset. She started saying “no” and shacking her head, she even pushed me away slightly, but then I leaned in and started talking to her and telling her that I love her and that everything would be ok and I would see her soon. That’s when she grabbed the front of my shirt and held onto me and just kept saying “no.” I am happy that she does not want me to leave, but I am not happy that she gets so upset. I found out later from Tiffany, when I called to let her know I made it back to Minnesota safely and to check on Kylie, that it was a good thing I didn’t turn around, because Kylie was sitting in her seat crying and shacking her head no while watching me walk away. I truly hope these next three months go by rather quickly…