Wellness checkup

Kylie had her wellness checkup today and I am happy to announce that the doctor says she is in excellent condition. He said that her ear infection looks to be just about cleared up and we should finish out the medicine and all should be well. He was interested to know that as a kid I had some major ear infection issues and said this is something we will have to watch for in Kylie as well.

She is now weighing in at 18 pounds and 10 ounces and measuring 27 and 1/2 inches long (2 foot 3 and 1/2 inches tall). These are both within the 50th percentile for her age and the doctor said this is perfect. The circumference of her head is now 44.1cm (about 17.4 inches) and that measurement falls within the 60th percentile for her age group.

We asked the doctor what we could feed her safely as far as “grown up” food was concerned (mainly because certain people [a certain Aunt can be seen giving her a bread stick in one of the pictures to come* ] refuse to respect our wishes that she not receive anything other than her baby food). He stated that it was really up to us (and that other people should respect the wishes of the parent regardless) with the following exceptions:

  • No whole milk or whole milk products, including ice cream.
  • No strawberries or anything with strawberries (with the exception of Gerber items).
  • No peanuts or anything made with peanuts or their oil.

Everything else is pretty much ok and at our discretion. I think the following months will be rather interesting as we experiment with what else to let her try.

* On a side note, why is it that people can not seem to respect the wishes of the child’s parent? As you will see in the picture once I post it, Kylie was given a bread stick by one of her Great Aunts. This was done at her Aunt’s bridal shower, which I was not at, while Tiffany was out of the room. So the Great Aunts (one took the picture) new we would not want this to happen and waited until they knew Tiffany was not around to stop it, and had the nerve to take a picture of it as well. I just don’t get it, why can’t people just respect our wishes?