New Phone

Well I finally got my new phone. In accordance with my Verizon plan, I am eligible to get a new phone every 2 years at a reduced rate. So I have traded in (well technically I still have it) my trusty LG VX-4600 for a nice shiny new Motorola E815. This is actually a big upgrade as far as features go. The E815 has a camera which also dose video recording, has an expansion memory slot, does V cast, has MP3 ring tone capabilities, and is Bluetooth enabled! It also has a few other things my old LG didn’t have, like a speakerphone and a larger display. While I loved my old LG, this one just has more of the geek qualities that I require. 🙂 I am still playing with it and trying to get everything transferred over, but so far I like it. Now I just need to get my wireless headset and a laptop with built in Bluetooth and I am all set.