I can’t believe it has been six months already since Kylie blessed my life. The time has gone by so fast! She continues to grow and learn and change right before my eyes on a daily basis.
She is now almost crawling and can maintain a sitting position all on her own, well if someone helps her sit up anyway. As for the almost crawling phase, she has finally figured out how to pull her knees up underneath her when she pushes up on her hands, and she will now rock in this position. Occasionally her knees will slide forward together from the rocking, and then she usually falls down to her tummy as opposed to moving her hands forward. I expect that she will figure out how to crawl any day now, and some people are even saying it will happen before the New Year. I think that would be great, I would just need to start “baby proofing” the house, as this is something I have not worried about yet do to her inability to move to other rooms on her own.
She also continues to show early signs of teething. She drools a lot more now than she used to and she seems to enjoy sticking her finger in her mouth more than before as well. Tiffany says she can feel a tooth coming in as well, I have not quite been able to feel it yet, but I am sure Tiffany can, she seems to be more in tune to those things.
Kylie is still having issues with her right eye as well. We have an appointment to go see a pediatric ophthalmologist on the 27th to take care of her blocked tear duct. Some days this issue seems to clear up and others it seems to be really bad. When I post the past months pictures up tomorrow night at work, you can see in it the pictures. Some days the outside of her right eye looks really red and irritated and other days it seems to be fine. The only good thing is that this redness does not seem to bother her, and she is still always really happy.
Also this past month Kylie had her very first picture taken with Santa. This was such a fun occasion, and everyone at the store commented on how beautiful she was, and that she was such a happy baby. The people taking the picture were exceptionally amazed as she only needed one picture taken because she gave such a good smile on the first take. This picture will also be in with this past months pictures as soon as I get them up.
This past month also marked Kylie’s first adventures with stage 1 baby food. On Thanksgiving she had sweet potatoes for dinner, and seemed to enjoy them. Since then she has had sweet potatoes on a number of occasions and does in fact like them, and she has also started on green beans. This now complete out her current menu at: milk, rice cereal, stage one sweet potatoes, and stage one green beans. Soon we will add more to the list and find out what else she likes.
I have come to learn that one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard is that of my daughter’s laughter. When she laughs, it does not matter how tired I am or how bad of a day I am having, I can not help but feel better and smile. I now also cherish nap time, not just because I get to get some much needed sleep, but because Kylie naps next to me. This can be seen in at least one picture that will be uploaded as well. Kylie and I spend a lot of time together, and nap time has become a sort of tradition, I guess working midnights has some advantages in this case.