So the newest thing lately (it seems) is to go to google and in the search box type “[your name] needs” and see the results. Well i decided to jump on this bandwagon (because hey, some of thes i’ve seen are just funny) and see what I need according to google. So I first tried “ed needs”, and this is what I got:
1.) Ed Needs A. HUMMER — this happens to be my favorite and it was the first result. woot!
2.) Ed needs vision beyond this budget
3.) Ed Needs to Know about IT
4.) Ed Needs Narrowing
5.) Ed needs more help
6.) Ed Needs Our Prayers
7.) Ed Needs Upgrades
8.) Ed Needs To Stop Hot Zones
9.) Ed needs more from Mike
10.) Ed Needs to Walk the Talk of Diversity
Now if you haven’t figured it out, must of these were a result of “ed” being a shortened form of “education”, so i decided to try my full name and see what happens, and it was this:
1.) Edward needs a special family.
2.) Edward Needs Sunscreen
3.) Edward Needs 1414 116th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA
4.) Edward Needs Cheering On!!
5.) Edward needs a break from TV and the way it arouses his appetite for getting more stuff that he can’t afford
6.) Edward needs a skilled and patient family who can provide a safe and loving home environment.
7.) Edward needs your assistance!
8.) Edward needs to announce his measures.
9.) Edward needs a tape measure.
10.) Edward needs to be allowed to remain in regular contact with her!
11.) Edward needs a hug?
12.) Edward needs it — and so does Alice. [who the heck is Alice, and is she hot?]
13.) Edward needs to use a walker.
14.) Edward needs to consider transportation costs to the Amore economical options.
15.) Edward needs to leave
16.) Edward needs to seek a job in Zimbabwe.
17.) Edward needs to get back to France and other important matters. [France is important?!?]
18.) Edward needs a check for the food.
19.) Edward needs to close the gates.
20.) Edward needs Graham, his best knight, to go out and retrieve the three lost treasures, along with any other valuable trinkets he happens to come across.
So yeah, evidently those are my needs. I never would have guessed I needed that stuff.