So yeah, I meant to post this like 2 weeks ago, but never got around to it.
Well Kylie finally started rolling from her back to her stomach about a day or two after she was 3 months old. When she first finally accomplished it she frightened herself and ended up crying. So I rolled back onto her back and let her know just how exciting this event was. It took her a little while to get used to rolling over and not startling herself but she managed. So she now rolls from her back to her stomach towards her right side. In fact on many occasions we find her asleep in her crib on her stomach now. She still gets a little frustrated after a few minutes of being on her stomach as she is still unable to roll herself back over. However, after she is rolled back onto her back she promptly rolls over on her stomach again, almost like it is a game. To the point where sometimes to prevent her from fussing and rolling over we have to place a pillow next to her on her right side to keep her from rolling over.
But wait, “what happens when she starts to roll over on her left side” you ask? Good question as a couple of days ago she started to attempt to roll over on her left side and as of last night (in her sleep) she has accomplished it. I have yet to see her roll over on her left side yet while awake, but am sure she will not have any issues doing it. Seeing as she is still fussing somewhat when she gets “stuck” on her stomach for more than a few minutes unless she is sleeping, I guess we will just have to play the roll over game for a while longer. I must admit it will be nice when she learns how to roll herself back over on her back.
In other Kylie related news; I have yet to scan all the pictures and such (still sorry Mom) but am working on it. I have a few more rolls to scan and then prepare the pictures for the site, and then they will go up. I expect that when this happens there will be a ton of images thrown up at once and then I will later go back and handle all the labeling and such.
On another note, she is showing early signs of teething. Mainly the constant drooling and fussing that only seems to be calmed when something cold is placed in her mouth. So we have taken to keeping at least two teething rings in the refrigerator for these instances.
She ahs also grown into the next stage of diapers and a lot of her 3 month old clothes are starting to become too small for her (depending on the cut). She has her next doctor’s appointment towards the end of this month and then I will be able to provide more information as to her weight and length and such, but as of right now let me just say she is getting big.