Faucet Fix

Today I circled back to the sink in the garage, and am happy to report that I had better luck this time around. I have purchased a new faucet that also came with a new hose and sprayer and installed that into the garage. While it was a simple project, it was not without its issues. The first issue I had, was with the installation of the new water shut off valves that I purchased to install inline under the sink. The issue (and really every issue with this project) revolved around getting the fittings tightly connected. Even with Teflon tape it seemed like no matter how tight I got the connections it just wasn’t tight enough.  The reason for this is the water connection that I was installing everything into. The pipe is just a free-floating copper pipe that connects to the larger water pipe in the basement and then runs out to the garage. As such the pipe being able to move around fairly freely and not having any backing bolts made it difficult to tighten the fittings as much as needed. Eventually, however, I persevered and was able to tighten the fittings securely enough that they no longer leaked. This was not the end though, for when I turned the sink on to test the water I discovered that I had swapped the hot and cold connections; so now the hot was on the right and the cold was on the left. It was a simple fix that required me to swap the flex hose from each faucet to the opposite source pipe. This of course reintroduced the issue of getting these fittings properly tightened again though, it was a little easier the second time but that may be due to expectation though. Regardless, the sink is now fully functional without any leaks anywhere in the assembly, and the shut off valves work as expected! Oh, and I also labeled the pipes to better indicate which is hot and which is cold for any future needs.