The Final Straw (for the apartment)

Once again I have found damage on the motorcycle. Came home real early this morning from a night out at a friends place and as we pulled in the lights panned across the bike… on the ground, on it’s side. This makes almost exactly one year to the day since the last time the bike was damaged. This time it looks like someone may have actually sat on the bike and tried to move it, judging by how far forward it was when I picked it up. The police officer who came to take the report also feels that was the case. So we aren’t sure if it was a failed attempt at trying to steal it, or just someone being stupid. Either way, there is a good amount of damage. The throttle grip is cracked all the way through the throttle tube along with some scratches to the mirror and floorboards.  This is the final straw for me, it’s time to move, time to get our own place. We’ve been looking for the past few years, but now that we are married I think we really need to get out of here. Well, guess I’ll need to have repairs done.