Are you new at this?

Today was Kylie’s annual pre-start of school year physical. All of her numbers are normal, and she is now 46” tall (3 feet 10 inches) and weighs 54.5 lbs, additionally her blood pressure is 90/60 (the nurse told us that is normal and good). The funniest thing happened at this checkup though, and I include her blood pressure because that’s the funny part. The nurse was attempting to check Kylie’s blood pressure but had some type of an issue with her pressure cuff that required her to take it apart and replace the pressure bulb. She had attempted to get Kylie’s pressure twice before deciding it was time to take it apart and when the nurse was fixing here problem, and right before she tried for the last time, Kylie calmly looks at her and asks “Are you new at this?” Mommy and Daddy laughed before we could stop ourselves and explain to Kylie that that comment was not particularly nice. The nurse thought it was funny too though and told Kylie that she was not new, but that her equipment was not getting a proper seal and so the cuff wasn’t inflating properly and she had to fix it. Thankfully the nurses are all great at Kylie’s doctor’s office and so understanding of children.