Gettin’ a Kindle

I finally broke down and bought a Kindle today. After wanting one for over a year and spending the last week talking myself out of it on a daily basis, I finally bought one. On one hand I am happy that I have it coming and on the other I already feel bad for spending the money on myself. However, I have been doing very well with paying down debt and I rarely ever buy anything for myself, so I feel it is justified. I am really looking forward to it getting here and hope that this will also motivate me to find more time to relax and read as well. I know I am looking forward to reading the books that I have been reading via the Kindle App on my Blackberry on a larger screen when I am at home and not having to be in front of my computer to do that. The only other thing I need to do now is resist the urge to immediately go purchase all the books that are out that I want to read.