So the DR failed… The part that bothers me the most is we are not sure why. For some reason we were not seeing the restore speeds that we expected. Building the TSM server was easy, and is almost becoming routine. I had all the tapes in the library before the system was ready, once the system was properly configured and handed over to me I had TSM rebuilt and up and running in under four hours. I had a few issues that I quickly troubleshot and got resolved, but we still didn’t stream from the tapes as fast as we have in the past. At one point I realized the restore wasn’t streaming from multiple sessions; after i fixed that we got some increase in restore speed, but nothing like we expected. I know the nature of this data (millions of small files) tends to cause slow backups and restores, but we have seen much better speeds in the past. I know i will be pondering this for some time to come.