I have started using a new way to categorize posts that will only be noticed if people view the Archives page. A new section has been added on that page called Tag Cloud. What happens now, is when I write a post, in addition to choosing what category it will be filled under, I can add whats called Tags. Wikipedia describes a tag cloud as:
A tag cloud or word cloud (or weighted list in visual design) is a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, used typically to describe the content of web sites. Tags are usually single words and are typically listed alphabetically, and the importance of a tag is shown with font size or color. Thus both finding a tag by alphabet and by popularity is possible. The tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with a tag.
Most likely I will only use this for the rare and random posts that end up in the “General” category, but we will see what happens.