Public Potty

Earlier today Kylie demonstrated that she is definitely on the potty training path, as she asked Tiffany to go to the bathroom while they were out at a restaurant. Here is how Tiffany describes it:

So, we were at Lonestar having dinner with Mom, Sissy, Aunt Jo, and Uncle Steve (it was their birthday dinners – their birthdays are 3 days apart). We were about half way through dinner when Kylie looked at me and said “Potty Mommy.” So I said okay and grabbed her diaper and wipes from my purse and got ready to head to the bathrrom. She wanted to walk there on her own and on the way everyone we passed looked at us and smiled or said how cute she was (she had on her cowboy boots on). When we went into the bathroom I helped her pull down her pants and take off her diaper. Kylie then looked at the potty and turned to me and said, “No, fall in.” Which I then said, “No, Mommy will help you,” and I then straddled the toilet and sat her in front of me while I held on to her. And to my surprise she went potty! I really wanted her to go, but I didn’t know if she would because she wasn’t on her potty seat and this was her first time on a potty without it. I was so proud of her! We washed our hands, and then walked back to the table. She had a great big smile and said “Me potty!!” 🙂 I was so happy for her. Everyone asked if she really went and I proudly said “yes!”

Looks like we are well on our way to potty training. This is, however, a path that we fully intend to let Kylie lead us down at her own pace. We are so proud of her current progress!