We’re Going Potty

Today was a very exciting day for us. Around 8:40 pm Kylie came up to Mommy and wanted to put on her new Dora underwear. She said “On Mommy.” Then she proceeded to take off her diaper and tried to put them on but she needed help so Tiffany helped her put them on. Then Kylie said, “show baby,” meaning she wanted to show her reflection her underwear. Tiffany helped her step up on her stool and Kylie looked in the mirror. Tiffany then told Kylie that if she wanted to wear her new underwear she should try to go potty on the big girl potty. Kylie said okay and Tiffany put her on the toilet where she kicked and played like normal and then asked for a wipe. Tiffany went to get a wipe for her and while she was walking back heard a noise that sounded a lot like someone going pee. So Tiffany stuck her head in the door with a great big smile and asked, “Did you go pee-pee?” and Kylie looked back with a great big smile and said “Yeah.” To which Tiffany replied with “you’re so big! Mommy is so proud of you!!” Kylie then responded by saying, “big girl” with a huge grin on her face then said, “hug?” which of course Tiffany gave her a huge hug and kiss. 🙂 Tiffany was so proud of her (and Daddy is too!) and happy that she did it, and Kylie was so proud and happy for herself. She kept kicking her feet and giggling.

One thought on “We’re Going Potty

  1. Kylie called me to tell me she went pee on the potty, I told her I was so proud of her and that she was such a big girl and that I love her very much, in which she told me she loved me too. Then she said night night as she was going to go to bed now. She is growing so fast!! Slow down a little Kylie, LOL.

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